Catch The Coopers! - Now On The App Store - Promo Codes

My first Gamesalad game is now on the app store!. Heres the link:
Promo Codes:
Promo Codes:
No sounds? Menu music? No cool looking backgrounds? Anything?
Not the best game ever made, and certainly not the worst.
ITs just to plain for me, you should add some things to it.
Keep trying, Looking fine so far!
Maybe add some things you shouldnt catch as well?
Not knocking your creation, because I'm aware the of the work it takes to get this created.
Does seem a little odd that apple except things like this, when it does not look finished.
I guess its good so you can get it seen and get feedback, but I wonder if its so apple can announce the big 1 million apps in app store statement sooner.
I'd say add some more screen shots to the sales page,
some nice backgrounds, sounds etc etc.
I also made my first app with similar concept, but instead of catching, u pop it.
If you get a chance, check out my game:
Promos here:
I just had to have a look!
If you'll let me, I'd like to give you some of my thoughts.
The good:
*Firstly, your tilt controls work well. Kudos on that!
*Secondly, you have some progression in there. It's obvious that you go up a level after a certain score. Nice.
*Thirdly - the difficulty increases quite nicely.
Possible improvements:
*Change the fiction - what I mean by this is 'Catch the Coopers' - where you have to catch the head of your friend - is not really something that will appeal to everyone. Indeed, it's likely to appeal to just you and your friend!
Why not make a background graphic of a burning building, and have the 'coopers' be people, falling to the ground while you're trying to catch them and save them? Something like that has a broader appeal. Or make them asteroids that your space ship has to catch as they contain valuable minerals (your score would then become the amount of $ you've accrued). Or maybe your basket is 'Death' and you have to collect the souls of the recently departed.
It could be anything really, and while I'm not against making 'personal' games, perhaps it'd be more compelling if it dealt with issues others would find interesting?
*Tell people when they've gone up a level. Just display 'Level x' at the start of each level. This is just a rudimentary way of reinforcing the fact that players are making progress.
*Scoring - the scoring works ok, but there's no real impetus to improve your score. High score saving is a recent GS feature, so look it up on the wiki and think of how you can implement it maybe. This would extend the life of your game - currently you beat level 3 and 'you win' appears. More levels, and the ability to play again and try and beat your score could be a welcome addition.
*Challenge - consider adding more variety to what's falling. Things to avoid have already been mentioned. You could also drop 'powerups' - actors that will affect your basket. For example, one might reverse the tilt controls for a few seconds. Or slow down the descent of the stuff you need to catch. There's lots you can do - you're 15 - use your imagination!
*Sound and Music - I'm guilty of not taking this as seriously as perhaps I should have. It's good to have sound and music that fits the fiction in a game. You can generate your own free arcade like sounds using this app:
There are also a number of free music sites if you search for them online. Be sure to check the license, or contact the musicians, to make sure you're allowed to use the music in a paid for game.
Or make your own music! Many have commented that they've used Garageband loops. Every Mac comes with Garageband installed, and I'm assuming you have a Mac - use it!
*Randomise the spawning - on the third level, although the coopers were spawning much faster than before, their fall pattern was predictable. All you had to do was move left then right then left ad infinitum to catch them. Try using the random function within GS to mix where they spawn up a little.
What I'm describing could end up being a totally different game of course. Whether you take any of these ideas on board or not, I look forward to what you do next. Everything you do with GS goes some way to helping you learn more about it, and more about game design/programming in general.
If you're just doing this to learn stuff, then this game is fine. The fact that you were charging for this suggests you thought you could make money from it. Perhaps you can, but you probably won't unless there's some *point* to your game.
Good luck to you. Hope that helps!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I also looked at you game and was hesitant to comment, but the above suggestions could really take this into a positive direction. Don't take criticism as a negative, but look at is as an opportunity to refine your development with advice from someone with experience.
Keep it up, you're well on your way.