F is for Falling 1.4 is out!
F is for Falling 1.4 is out, and it's a huge update:
It should be showing up in the App Store over the next 2 – 3 hours.
Bug Fix: High Scores were not saving
Bug Fix: Player would jiggle when hitting side of gameplay area
Bug Fix: If you died while spinning, the gameover screen would be rotated
*Massive* Performance Improvements in switching screens
Achievement Notifications
Scoring Updated – Since you’re falling, it now counts down from 40,000 feet.
High Scores updated – The lower the number, the higher the score (the further you fell)
Control Optomization – Touch controls are quicker, Tilt controls are even smoother – Especially on earlier devices!!
Previous 1.3 updates
Settings menu – just click on the info button
Scaling difficulty, it gets harder over time
Better Controls!! You can now select touch or tilt controls.
Tilt control refinement, the more you tilt, the faster you move.
Major performance improvements – everything is MUCH smoother
‘Play Again’ speed increase, it now resets the level MUCH faster
Achievements, there are now 7 achievements (hit balloon boy, hit 100 birds, and fall for 1k, 2k, 5k, 10k and 20k feet)
New Hazard – a UFO
Hazard Adjustment – Birds don’t kill you anymore, but they do send you into a spin, during which you cannot move.
Promo codes:
It should be showing up in the App Store over the next 2 – 3 hours.
Bug Fix: High Scores were not saving
Bug Fix: Player would jiggle when hitting side of gameplay area
Bug Fix: If you died while spinning, the gameover screen would be rotated
*Massive* Performance Improvements in switching screens
Achievement Notifications
Scoring Updated – Since you’re falling, it now counts down from 40,000 feet.
High Scores updated – The lower the number, the higher the score (the further you fell)
Control Optomization – Touch controls are quicker, Tilt controls are even smoother – Especially on earlier devices!!
Previous 1.3 updates
Settings menu – just click on the info button
Scaling difficulty, it gets harder over time
Better Controls!! You can now select touch or tilt controls.
Tilt control refinement, the more you tilt, the faster you move.
Major performance improvements – everything is MUCH smoother
‘Play Again’ speed increase, it now resets the level MUCH faster
Achievements, there are now 7 achievements (hit balloon boy, hit 100 birds, and fall for 1k, 2k, 5k, 10k and 20k feet)
New Hazard – a UFO
Hazard Adjustment – Birds don’t kill you anymore, but they do send you into a spin, during which you cannot move.
Promo codes:
But you know that since the score now counts down....
Well to explain...
My current score is 1450...
And I know I am falling further than that but now that score is unbeatable because of the score change....
delete falling from your phone and redownload it, that'll reset the high scores. In 1.5 I'm going to add a reset scores button.
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Still, I did manage to use KAAAHKMYYXT7 - which is *almost* Khaaaaaan!
It's handy that I amuse myself so...
Thanks for the code! Will leave you lots of S.T.A.R.S (
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
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Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
nicer speed throughout.....
the music track has always been good....
very impressive, I seriously think you should spend ages advertising it as if it can get onto the top 50 it could be up there with doodle jump....just maybe...
Perhaps make a viral video with some real sky divers playing it whilst sky diving... :-)
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
how about spending $100 or what ever it is, to go sky diving yourself, pay an extra $50 for a video (someone skydiving with you, or a helmet cam) and play the game yourself as you fall....
Although if you let go, an ipod touch/ iphone in the face at quite a few g's would probably hurt a little bit.
Thanks, will review in a bit.
Perhaps the chefs could look at addressing this issue as it's too bad a good game gets burned for something the developer has no control over.
Perhaps the chefs could look at addressing this issue as it's too bad a good game gets burned for something the developer has no control over.