Platformer game TUTORIALS
When I get some time, I was going to write a series of step-by-step tutorials for creating a ROCK SOLID platformer game. Similar to Super Mario Bros., Sonic the Hedgehog, and all the other great 8-bit and 16-bit gams from my youth. Following similar tutorials is what taught me how to be a programmer a few years ago. Hopefully it will help others like it did me.
I find the current platformer template a little hard to work with. I am going to start from scratch.
I will make a wiki for this project(once I learn how!) as well as playable template versions of each chapter.
Here are the topics I am going to cover:
1. Basic Player Movement - left and right
2. Jumping
3. Ducking
3. Solid Platforms
4. Cloud Platforms (ones you can jump up though, but can stand on)
5. Moving Platforms
6. Breakable Blocks
7. Eroding/Collapsing Blocks (ones you can step on once or twice)
8. Disappearing/Reappearing Blocks
9. Conveyor belts
10. Tramplolines
11. Air vents/wind
12. Vines and Ladders
13. Keys/Doors
14. Treasure Chests
15. Switches
16. Collectibles: coins, hearts, gems, etc...
17. Bullets
18. Boomerang
19. Hook Shot/Grappling Hook
20. Bombs
21. Stupid enemies
22. Slightly Smarter Enemies
23. Smart Enemies
Special Moves
24. Double-Jumping
25. Wall-Jumping
26. Sword Attacks
27. Power sliding
28. Swimming
I'll add more when I think of them!
Let me know what you think!
When I get some time, I was going to write a series of step-by-step tutorials for creating a ROCK SOLID platformer game. Similar to Super Mario Bros., Sonic the Hedgehog, and all the other great 8-bit and 16-bit gams from my youth. Following similar tutorials is what taught me how to be a programmer a few years ago. Hopefully it will help others like it did me.
I find the current platformer template a little hard to work with. I am going to start from scratch.
I will make a wiki for this project(once I learn how!) as well as playable template versions of each chapter.
Here are the topics I am going to cover:
1. Basic Player Movement - left and right
2. Jumping
3. Ducking
3. Solid Platforms
4. Cloud Platforms (ones you can jump up though, but can stand on)
5. Moving Platforms
6. Breakable Blocks
7. Eroding/Collapsing Blocks (ones you can step on once or twice)
8. Disappearing/Reappearing Blocks
9. Conveyor belts
10. Tramplolines
11. Air vents/wind
12. Vines and Ladders
13. Keys/Doors
14. Treasure Chests
15. Switches
16. Collectibles: coins, hearts, gems, etc...
17. Bullets
18. Boomerang
19. Hook Shot/Grappling Hook
20. Bombs
21. Stupid enemies
22. Slightly Smarter Enemies
23. Smart Enemies
Special Moves
24. Double-Jumping
25. Wall-Jumping
26. Sword Attacks
27. Power sliding
28. Swimming
I'll add more when I think of them!
Let me know what you think!
Thanks Joe!
Go Joe!!!
First get it done, than advertise.
I know from experience that good will not always ends in solid results :-)
I am looking for it too.
It's not perfect yet, though. I want it to be bullet-proof. Almost there. Hopefully soon!
Trying to tie up loose ends before MacWorld.
thank you
Any date u can tell us these might come out?
Also, fun things that work 8 out of 10 times, stuff like that.
At any rate, I have it pretty much solid at this point. One weensy issue that's still bugging me, but I might just forget about it and keep going.
I have these working pretty much perfectly so far:
Solid Platforms
Cloud Platforms
Ice Platforms
Conveyor Belts
Now some of these don't sound very complicated, but when you couple them with things like running and stopping on Solid Platforms vs. Ice Platforms, they get pretty tricky.
I want this to be absolutely bullet-proof. This is for my games as well.
Once I have everything working, I will break it up into the tutorial files.
I want to make sure that the tutorials are coherent, and not always changing as I keep changing my mind with the code.
Hopefully they will be done soon! I am currently at MacWorld, and also working on a million things, so you'll have to bear with me. :0)
@FMG: Your generosity apparently knows no bounds!
Glad you do though!
Looking forward to it!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
My current game is a platformer and a few things I've figured out okay but next I still need to get my moving platform working right. Trying to reverse engineer the GS example lol!
Anyway thanks and have fun at MacWorld
I am still struggling with my attempts because I have some difficulties when the players runs and jumps on these platforms especially when there is MORE THAN ONE on the scene that the actor can run on....
Trust me, it is brutal!
I have these working so far:
Solid Platforms
Cloud Platforms
Ice Platforms
Conveyor Belts
Horizontal Moving Platforms
Vertical Moving Platforms
Breakable Blocks/Platforms
Timed Platforms (disappearing/reappearing)
I'll start to release it in a little while.
There's some more stuff that I want to lock down first.
Maybe Firemaple is a T-1000 from Cyberdyne systems and does not sleep!
Nice to see contributions back to the community.