Release date strategy question/suggestions
My new game was approved today (October 9th), and I'm trying to decide how best to release it.
I apologize that this is kind of a few questions in one post.
Originally, I had planned to release the game on Friday when the new iPhone 4s is released in the U.S. I submitted my app only 4 days ago, I had set my release date in ITC for October 14th, expecting that I would barely have enough time to get the app approved by then. Apple was really fast this time, ive never had a game for iPhone approved that fast, usually it's around a week to 10 days.
So now, I'm thinking perhaps I' might be better off to release the day BEFORE iPhone 4s launch, on Thursday the 13th. I've read a few posts on here suggesting it may be smarter to release a bit before a major launch since tons of games will likely be released on major launch days/holidays and it will be easy to get lost in the sea of apps on that day.
To boil it down:
1) What is your opinion, release on Friday October 14th when the iPhone 4s launches?
Or release 1-2 days earlier?
2) Are there still bugs with iTunes Connect regarding release date? My original release date is October 14th, will changing it an earlier date mess up my game showing up properly on the new releases category?
Thanks in advance!
I apologize that this is kind of a few questions in one post.
Originally, I had planned to release the game on Friday when the new iPhone 4s is released in the U.S. I submitted my app only 4 days ago, I had set my release date in ITC for October 14th, expecting that I would barely have enough time to get the app approved by then. Apple was really fast this time, ive never had a game for iPhone approved that fast, usually it's around a week to 10 days.
So now, I'm thinking perhaps I' might be better off to release the day BEFORE iPhone 4s launch, on Thursday the 13th. I've read a few posts on here suggesting it may be smarter to release a bit before a major launch since tons of games will likely be released on major launch days/holidays and it will be easy to get lost in the sea of apps on that day.
To boil it down:
1) What is your opinion, release on Friday October 14th when the iPhone 4s launches?
Or release 1-2 days earlier?
2) Are there still bugs with iTunes Connect regarding release date? My original release date is October 14th, will changing it an earlier date mess up my game showing up properly on the new releases category?
Thanks in advance!
It seems like, if I were buying an iPhone for the first time, or even as an upgrade, there's that tendency to load up on new apps. That makes me feel like being listed on the new releases category on Friday would be a good thing... unless theres a million other big name games released the same day.
Anyone tried a release strategy relating to holidays or new device launches?
The main reason being that the big boys will muscle in with sales and promotions as they're thinking just like you do!
Imagine going up against a big EA or GameLoft game that's priced the same as your game. Which are people more likely to go for?
Edited to Add: As an aside, once Sunshine is out, that'll pretty much be it for me this year. I could finish another game before the end of the year, but with Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Xmas coming up, it seems silly to me to rush and finish and try and compete. Better to wait till January I reckon!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I'm *planning* to release on October 21st - it's more than a week before Halloween.
However, if I get delayed (grrrrr) then it'll probably be the week after Halloween as then there's a bit of time before thanksgiving...
Who knows, eh?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Going to think it over for a bit and decide. I still have to finish my game trailer, Ive been trying to give my poor eyeballs a rest the past few days since they've been pummeled lately.
I think it also depends on the type of game. If it isn't really seasonally themed, then try to avoid those big guys as much as possible. Actually, ALWAYS avoid the Big Guys
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...