Somewhat strange that SpriteAttack and the DeepBlue guys are being forced away from GameSalad, and yet someone deems to sticky SpriteAttacks tutorial thread... Force them away but promote the use of their teachings....
Double standards???
There's some awful forum politics going on at the moment....
Nothing of the sort. In a private message with SpriteAttack, he mentioned to me that he thought this thread should be stickied. I looked it over and agreed. It's good!
@Chunkypixels said:
Somewhat strange that SpriteAttack and the DeepBlue guys are being forced away from GameSalad, and yet someone deems to sticky SpriteAttacks tutorial thread... Force them away but promote the use of their teachings....
Double standards???
There's some awful forum politics going on at the moment....
I agree seems signs of desperation to me. I may be done around here. The joy of all this has been sucked right out of me. All these parties I am now even more sceptical of.
@The_Guru said:
I agree seems signs of desperation to me. I may be done around here. The joy of all this has been sucked right out of me. All these parties I am now even more sceptical of.
You are over-exaggerating, don't let the drama queen side take over.
@Lovejoy said:
You are over-exaggerating, don't let the drama queen side take over.
I guess that new yellow sticky about the logo and name being enforced made me right to be worried about my rights. Pretty easy to say when you have nothing at stake. I make over a hundred videos free and supported this community for nearly five years. Who here have never used any of my videos? Yet because I was concerned for all my hard work, I'm a drama queen. You know how many hours I put into making videos for you guys? Over 1000 hours. It takes two hours to produce a ten minute video. Some people assume I'm here for fame..LMAO seriously. My videos broke no less than 4 of the rules on trademark.
@The_Guru said:
I guess that new yellow sticky about the logo and name being enforced made me right to be worried about my rights. Pretty easy to say when you have nothing at stake. I make over a hundred videos free and supported this community for nearly five years. Who here have never used any of my videos? Yet because I was concerned for all my hard work, I'm a drama queen. You know how many hours I put into making videos for you guys? Over 1000 hours. It takes two hours to produce a ten minute video. Some people assume I'm here for fame..LMAO seriously. My videos broke no less than 4 of the rules on trademark.
I have no ill feeling and do in fact recognize the work you do for this community, often praise it too. But as time goes on we sort of get to know each other in the forums and its clear to myself and I'm sure others that you seem to get emotional and childlike when dealing with confrontation. Over exaggeration on your part was clearly demonstrated throughout this debacle.
I am passionate yes. That can be a double edge sword as in its my passion to give back that leads me to spend hours making videos and when legal action, for the first time, is done against a user and then I realize I am in similar violations my passion comes out. Is it childish to be passionate, maybe. But it's who I am and my passion got me to places in life I never thought I'd go.
No doubt you are passionate about GS. But lets not confuse passionate with childlike behavior , two separate meanings. Where it has taken you in life is irrelevant, theres a-holes and drug addicts who make it far in life too.
@DeepBlueApps, I don't want to stir up any un-necessary nonesense here but at my graphic design studio and throughout 25 years of designing lots and lots of logos. The artist and studio never claims ownership of the companies logo that they designed. It's a paid service, nothing more.
@SpriteAttack How do you know what colors you should use. Coloring is the most important of art and you want to choose the right color, how do you do that?
Funny, I've never been one really for online communities, as in being actually active, but I love GS and its things like this that make it so. Awesome stuff! I made my current game artwork in PowerPoint (surprisingly useful)!
@SpriteAttack these are inspirational and look basic enough as a starting point to dive into making my own graphics for once. Thanks !
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@SpriteAttack these insights. Very quick and easy to digest but very valuable knowledge.
Somewhat strange that SpriteAttack and the DeepBlue guys are being forced away from GameSalad, and yet someone deems to sticky SpriteAttacks tutorial thread... Force them away but promote the use of their teachings....
Double standards???
There's some awful forum politics going on at the moment....
Nothing of the sort. In a private message with SpriteAttack, he mentioned to me that he thought this thread should be stickied. I looked it over and agreed. It's good!
I agree seems signs of desperation to me. I may be done around here. The joy of all this has been sucked right out of me. All these parties I am now even more sceptical of.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
You are over-exaggerating, don't let the drama queen side take over.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I guess that new yellow sticky about the logo and name being enforced made me right to be worried about my rights. Pretty easy to say when you have nothing at stake. I make over a hundred videos free and supported this community for nearly five years. Who here have never used any of my videos? Yet because I was concerned for all my hard work, I'm a drama queen. You know how many hours I put into making videos for you guys? Over 1000 hours. It takes two hours to produce a ten minute video. Some people assume I'm here for fame..LMAO seriously. My videos broke no less than 4 of the rules on trademark.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I have no ill feeling and do in fact recognize the work you do for this community, often praise it too. But as time goes on we sort of get to know each other in the forums and its clear to myself and I'm sure others that you seem to get emotional and childlike when dealing with confrontation. Over exaggeration on your part was clearly demonstrated throughout this debacle.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I am passionate yes. That can be a double edge sword as in its my passion to give back that leads me to spend hours making videos and when legal action, for the first time, is done against a user and then I realize I am in similar violations my passion comes out. Is it childish to be passionate, maybe. But it's who I am and my passion got me to places in life I never thought I'd go.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
No doubt you are passionate about GS. But lets not confuse passionate with childlike behavior , two separate meanings. Where it has taken you in life is irrelevant, theres a-holes and drug addicts who make it far in life too.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
A-hole drug addict no.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I guess thats debatable we can leave it at that.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
no I can be an a-hole I'm acutely aware of that. And freely admit it.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Ironic really but guess who designed the logo for GSHelper?
We spoke about it but decided to let it slide 
@DeepBlueApps, I don't want to stir up any un-necessary nonesense here but at my graphic design studio and throughout 25 years of designing lots and lots of logos. The artist and studio never claims ownership of the companies logo that they designed. It's a paid service, nothing more. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
@jamie_c You hit the nail on the head when you said paid service, let's leave it there.
@DeepBlueApps, consider it left.... ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Mr. Bacon you are a dick....hole. Love it! Tee hee! Me and my cheeky....
@SpriteAttack How do you know what colors you should use. Coloring is the most important of art and you want to choose the right color, how do you do that?
Funny, I've never been one really for online communities, as in being actually active, but I love GS and its things like this that make it so. Awesome stuff! I made my current game artwork in PowerPoint (surprisingly useful)!
@SpriteAttack was great to see you again my old m8 and we enjoyed the long weekend of nice booze good food and average at best golf
@SpriteAttack You are Aamazing. I would like to know if you have any ui assets
You can find a bunch of both free and cheap ones, with functional code, on
Also check out this thread where you will find heaps of useful stuff: