Elasticity DEMO
Here is a quick little demo showing how to constrain an Actor to a target using elasticity:
The physics formula being used is Hooke's law. Play with the values in the ball actor to get different results!
Feel free to use this for whatever you want!
Fire Maple Games
Here is a quick little demo showing how to constrain an Actor to a target using elasticity:
The physics formula being used is Hooke's law. Play with the values in the ball actor to get different results!
Feel free to use this for whatever you want!
Fire Maple Games
yeah, when i'm trying to figure something out in gamesalad, it helps if i make these little tests. I figured if it helps me, maybe it will help others as well.
I bought SS as well, you know! Very nice, but I'm going to finish DC before I really get stuck into it.
Anyway, back to the subject - how do you approach a problem like this? i.e. pushing the maths functions of GS...do you just think,
'ah well, if I do this and this, it might just do THIS...here goes nothing!...'
or are you more like,
'ah, I see, the hypotenuse divided by Pi relative to the tangent of actor X must be the square root of the velocity, as it relates to it's subject's gravitational awareness...EUREKA!!'
So what are you? A or B
@slowboy: i am a mediocre mathematician at best! I just noodle around until I like something. Most of these demos are just some of my old flash demos that i translate over to gamesalad. The logic for these little demos is pretty universal. I find that the math and physics stuff inspire new and interesting game mechanics.
I'll definitely will use this.
Thanks man!
Another great helpful project...cheers
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
In the Library, double-click on the Ball Actor.
On the left-hand side, scroll down to see its Attributes.
The ones you can play with that will affect the motion are:
k is the "strength" of the spring.
damp is how quickly the objects will slow to a stop.
I would keep k between 0 and 3
and I would keep damp between 0 and 1.
These Attributes get applied in the Dragging/Release Rule (in the Otherwise section) on the right-hand side in the Behaviors pane.
Let me know if that is not clear.
Hope this helps!
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
How can I download this demo to gamesalad
(could be a silly question)