Hiring 1 or 2 GS Developer & Artist-PAID positions

JackYdJackYd Member Posts: 93
Hey Guys!

I have recently partnered with a investment company that was EXTREMELY interested in my game design document. Currently, there is no game in the Apple itunes store that exists like this so the idea has spark alot of interest.

There have been many endorsement deals with this idea but however I don't have the manpower to get this game started. So I am looking to hire a FULL TIME and part time game salad developer that knows what they are doing. I don't want someone that has to ask questions on how to create something. I need someone who will put 100% of their efforts into this project and knows gamesalad through and through. I will provide all documents necessary to the developers so they have a clear idea of what is expected and where to start. I will be available through the entire game development process to answer any questions or concerns.

I would like to see some resumes or previous games that have been created/published so I can get an idea of the type of work you have created to see if they could be a match. If you are selected to be "interviewed" , you will need to sign an Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) before receiving any type of documents. I will send over some documents so you can go over all the details and determine if you have the skills/talent needed to create this game.

I am also looking for an Artist. I need someone with a huge imagination. I can tell you what I want you to draw but I want this person to take the idea and make it better. Please send me a portfolio/& or website of your work to [email protected] The game has a release date for december but with constant updates once published.

This is a contract position and the person who is hired will receive credit in game.

Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions, I will PM those who are interested the pay for each position, I will say the pay is extremely generous and will be paid every 2 weeks until game launch. Artist pay will be based on each piece of art completed/received.


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