Cross-platform project

OctappusOctappus Member Posts: 68

I've been approached for a development project and been given the following specification:

1) a main menu bar of icons on the horizontal axis (sensitive to device re-orientation)
2) a sub menu bar of icons on the vertical axis that is dynamic based on the context of the horizontal menu
3) menu bar options visible in display expand and contract to use all screen real estate available with menu's being scrollable if contracted on a small screen to allow access to all menu options
4) menu options expand/collapse within the menu bar to show/hide child options
5) lowest level menu items invoke functions that may be for example to act on a canvas that forms the rest of the screen, invoke pop up windows/forms, use feature of device such as camera or geo location, interact with another system or webservice

Non functionally the menu bar code must
1) Be able to run as a cached application on each device/platform
2) Load in under 3 seconds of first accessing the mobile application from a URL
3) Change orientation if the device changes orientation
4) Hide any browser frame so the appearance is of a native application
5) Work without the need to load plug ins or provide permissions to run
6) Have configurable style of background
7) Support float over text.

This is clearly more than a GS project and I'm looking for an experienced developer to sub-contract this to.

Any takers before I go outside the GS community




  • OctappusOctappus Member Posts: 68
    Bounce - to catch all those in different time-zones who were asleep when I originally posted this.

    PS. There is a serious budget for this serious project, and I would prefer to use someone in the GS community than elsewhere.

    [email protected]
  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Member Posts: 1,246
    I do not think it can be done with GS, try Corona.

    GS does not have access to Camera, Geo location and web services support.
  • DZTECHDZTECH Member, PRO Posts: 216
    email sent
  • OctappusOctappus Member Posts: 68
    Thanks @zakdavid - I'm about to reply to your email.

    I've just learned that my potential client wants this rolled out across iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, PC and Web platforms.

    I already knew this wasn't a GS project, but it's now more than just Xcode.
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