****Wreak havoc and destruction with the all new Angry Cows!****

lollollollol Member Posts: 45
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
Hi Everybody Our new game Angry Cows has just come out on the app store.

Promo codes for Angry Cows (iphone)




Promo codes for Angry Cows HD (Ipad)




If you need any more codes please post

If you guys could just post if you use a code to help others. A review would be nice if you guys play the game. There is a flash version available on Facebook (link below) but I must say the GS ios version has much more in it. Please help share the game guys, even if you just like the Facebook version it will help spreed the game.

  Thank you all in advance.  

angry cows    

Angry Cows is just the game for people who are looking to be challenged, and still have fun while doing so.

Angry Cows is a cross between a thought-provoking, logic-inducing puzzler and a trigger-happy, barrel demolition game! And with its hours of original gameplay and hours more of replay.


Angry Cows is one of those games that you just can’t put down! With its unique and enticing gameplay, beautiful fairy-tale graphics, wonderful new areas and levels, you can have fun and enjoy the scenery while strategizing your approach to the unique and innovative, if not revolutionarily puzzling, puzzler that is Angry Cows.




  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    is this mage from gamesalad?

    and I suggest you take out the game asap before you know who will sue you

    my email: [email protected]
    my skype: calvin9403
  • lollollollol Member Posts: 45
    Why would they sue me?

    What copyright ingfringement guys? I think if there was apple would not have allowed it on.

    The game play is so much different
  • JschneiderJschneider Member Posts: 1
    I would be cautious about copyright infringement! Nice looking game. A little slow and glitchy at times. Some of the platforms would sometimes suddenly disappear or move about.

    I would recommend making it more challenging, instead of 100 points to pass to the next level maybe 300 or something. It makes it more fun if you can't pass the level first time. It's also more awarding when you do.

    You got to test your game more and listen to your target audience. I hope the feedback helps. Thanks for the code.

    Tested on: iPad 1 iOS 4.3
  • lollollollol Member Posts: 45
    Thank you kindly Jschneider

    We will take all feedback and add to update.

    Do you mind sharing what you tested it on.
  • BonZeroBonZero Member Posts: 37
    What a rip off!! I would find it funny if it was meant to be an Angry Birds parody, but it doesnt mention anything like that in the description. Sorry but i cant overlook the similarity w angrybirds
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    I think its only a matter of time before you recieve a stern letter from Rovios legal department... for sure.

    You ask why people think its going to happen? One simple answer.... the splash screen image, name, logo and character style are all very similar in style and concept to Angry Birds.. and youve obviously done that intentionally...correct?

    Well Rovio have the right to protect their brand and its image. Copying the brands image so closely , in order to obviously try and snag some of the originals popularity is going to piss Rovio off, and understandably so... as I doubt your game in any way enhances the brand theyve built.

    Theres a certain degree of copying you can get away with...but by copying so many bits of Angry Birds so closely, youve easily overstepped the line.

    Also...Apple dont get involved in copyright disputes at first. They'll get involved once Rovio lodge a complaint though....
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