Simple animation project for someone looking for work

joecrozierjoecrozier Member Posts: 6
Hey all,

I'm looking for someone to do some relatively simple animation and art design for a game I'm working on.

I'm looking for relatively cartoony and simple design, similar to the art style which you see at the bottom of the page; bright colours, and simple yet clean artwork.

I'm specifically looking for the following:

- Three different animations of a walking person, seen from the side. These can be relatively simple, and can even be the same animation just with a different colour scheme.

- Several cityscape backgrounds which would serve for the backdrops of the different levels. Once again, it does not have to be at all intricate or complex, just visually appealing.

- A large cartoon cage

- Some simple, colourful menu items

The only items which I would need animated are the three walking people, the rest can be static images.

If you're interested, shoot me a PM or an email (preferably email) at [email protected] and we can talk about pricing.

I look forward to hearing from you!

-Joe Crozier


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