iSay-uSay the ultimate word game is here!

Good day!
Herhuth Interactive has just released our newest iPad game, iSay-uSay. It is a multiplayer word guessing game based loosely off of the popular Catch Phrase game. The game has great graphics, exciting game play, lifetime stats, completely customizable categories and word libraries, along with many game options. It is designed for 2-10 players and is the perfect Party Game!
Our website:
Link to iTunes:
Thank you for your time...Enjoy!
Herhuth Interactive has just released our newest iPad game, iSay-uSay. It is a multiplayer word guessing game based loosely off of the popular Catch Phrase game. The game has great graphics, exciting game play, lifetime stats, completely customizable categories and word libraries, along with many game options. It is designed for 2-10 players and is the perfect Party Game!
Our website:
Link to iTunes:
Thank you for your time...Enjoy!