Stunt Squirrels! MAJOR UPDATE!
Hey All!
My second game, Stunt Squirrels!, has just been given a major overhaul!
Please check it out on here:
This is also my entry for the MacWorld Competition!
New Features:
60 Levels (30 regular levels and 30 secret bonus levels!)
Three themes: Big Top Bonanza, Daredevil Canyon and Construction Chaos - each with their own theme music!
A golden acorn hidden on every level! Try to find them all!
A magic hoop is hidden on each level as well - blast through the hoop to gain access to the secret bonus levels!
30 secret Outer Space bonus levels where you can try to collect 750 coins - while dodging small planets and pinball pop bumpers!
A new splash screen!
3 different trophies to collect!
Stunt Squirrels! keeps track of all stats as you play: levels unlocked, acorns found, coins collected, time played, failed attempts, etc...
Unfortunately, to squeeze under the 10MB limit for games uploaded to, I had to seriously pare down the web version. The web version only has the first 20 levels (10 regular levels and 10 bonus levels) available to play. It should still keep you busy though! The iPhone version, which will be submitted in the morning, will have all 60 levels.
Please let me know what you think! I welcome all comments, criticisms, bugs, and feedback!!!
And now that my time is freed up again, I will be more active on the forums and will try to help out wherever I can.
Fire Maple Games
My second game, Stunt Squirrels!, has just been given a major overhaul!
Please check it out on here:
This is also my entry for the MacWorld Competition!
New Features:
60 Levels (30 regular levels and 30 secret bonus levels!)
Three themes: Big Top Bonanza, Daredevil Canyon and Construction Chaos - each with their own theme music!
A golden acorn hidden on every level! Try to find them all!
A magic hoop is hidden on each level as well - blast through the hoop to gain access to the secret bonus levels!
30 secret Outer Space bonus levels where you can try to collect 750 coins - while dodging small planets and pinball pop bumpers!
A new splash screen!
3 different trophies to collect!
Stunt Squirrels! keeps track of all stats as you play: levels unlocked, acorns found, coins collected, time played, failed attempts, etc...
Unfortunately, to squeeze under the 10MB limit for games uploaded to, I had to seriously pare down the web version. The web version only has the first 20 levels (10 regular levels and 10 bonus levels) available to play. It should still keep you busy though! The iPhone version, which will be submitted in the morning, will have all 60 levels.
Please let me know what you think! I welcome all comments, criticisms, bugs, and feedback!!!
And now that my time is freed up again, I will be more active on the forums and will try to help out wherever I can.
Fire Maple Games
Cheers, Weswog
The 25 stars challenge has an awful lot of "yee-hars" going on. My neighbors probably thought there was a squirrel orgy going on in my apartment. Might that level have a briefer sound effect?
Given that the hoop and acorn involve going the long way around, could they give you an instant bonus of one bomb's worth?
It might get dizzying, but could the compass be in the stars level? It could point to the nearest star. Or maybe some other mechanism to help you know where the stars are. For me I managed to collect 24 stars, but a long time later, and quite a number of yee-hars on the way, I still didn't find the last star.
@Colin: Thanks for the feedback! I added a "yee-har!" delay to the bonus levels. Much better now.
(I was actually born in Texas so I didn't notice the problem!)
I would add the compass to the bonus levels in a heartbeat, but I can't think of a way to do it without storing 1500 attributes(literally!). Can you think of any other way?
As far as the difficulty is concerned, I wanted there to be three "levels" of achievements for each stage. You could just go for the goal each time, just like it was before. That earns you the first, and smallest, trophy. Next, if you were so inclined, you could hunt down all of the acorns and try to earn the 2nd, much more handsome(and larger!) silver trophy. Finally you can go back and try to conquer all of the hoops/bonus levels for the best trophy.
I was just trying to add some re-playability to the levels.
I do admit that the hoops are very difficult, but I promise that I made sure they were all possible! I did design the game, so I do have an advantage, but I am able to complete the game 100%...
And please tell me you're still not using a trackpad to play the game!! My index finger is cramping up just thinking about it! (knowing you, you're probably playing it on your phone...)
Another level I've done in two passes, one that was the hoop and the bonus/Perfect, and a second go to get the acorn. One other level I can't remember what I had got. I was going to get all perfect levels and send you a screen shot, but as often happens in the Games area, I accidentally clicked on another game, and so lost all of my progress.
So, the point being that even with a trackpad it's possible to complete all the levels, in one turn goes (as opposed to three turn goes).
Meanwhile, a couple of new comments/suggestions:
The top of Space has a gray line on it.
How about lowering gravity in space? It would be more comical/correct, and be marginally less stressful to play on a trackpad! Also, how about making him have an airtight suit/helmet when in space?
submitted my first app to the App store this morning, more App then game...hopefully hear something over the next week. Will post about it once/if it makes it into the store. was a good education in GameSalad making it, now ready to tackle something a bit more tech. With lots of level, recently played Kill the King, and liked the difficulty something similar to that or Stunt Squirrels...but obviously different and original.
I'll see what I can whip up!
Yeah, I added gray walls to the sides and ceiling of the outer space area. I also tried different colors as well but none really looked correct. Even though it is just as silly, I wanted visible physical walls instead of just hitting the 'edge' of space...
@Colin: thanks for the suggestions!
@butterbean: thanks!
@draper3000: thanks! good luck on your first app!
I see that you've taken out the gray wall, that seems fine. I mean, if a user can cope with imagining a speaking-flying-in-outer-space squirrel, bouncing off nothingness should be acceptable.
I updated Stunt Squirrels! on the Games page!
I was able to use some serious image compression tricks and also that great tip from Micah about the .xml file to get it under the 10MB limit.
It now has all 60 levels playable (30 regular levels and 30 bonus levels)!
Please check it out if you get the chance!
I just submitted Stunt Squirrels! to Apple as well. Here's hoping everything goes smoothly!!