★★Bouncing Birds! aka The Angry Birds killer coming soon...★★

RodrigoPerezRodrigoPerez Member Posts: 212
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
Bouncing Birds! My newest app is waiting for review and should be live very soon. Here is some gameplay video.


  • JupijaJupija Member Posts: 66
    looks very interesting. good luck with sales!
  • kapserkapser Member Posts: 458
    Good job, this look incredibly polished!
  • shaundunneshaundunne Member Posts: 38
    Looks great, must let us know when its live.

    We'll wait and see if it's an Angry Birds killer though.
  • DizkoDizko Member Posts: 498
    This would have been much more interesting had you used something other than birds.

    It looks more like Fragger than it does Angry Birds.
  • RodrigoPerezRodrigoPerez Member Posts: 212
    Dizko said:
    This would have been much more interesting had you used something other than birds.

    It looks more like Fragger than it does Angry Birds.

    Well with this game this is a bit of an experiment. I wanted to try and make it as mainstream as possible, I made some requirements, for instance it had to feature:

    One-finger gameplay
    Bright and rich colors schemes
    3D and 2D graphics
    Extremely intuitive to play
    and of course it has to be fun.

    When I was do initial sketches for a main character, I decided, since I was going for mass appeal that a bird was the logical choice, but if monkeys were the trend on the App Store, it just as easily could have been a monkey in my game. Actually at one point I remember a few weeks back the top four games were Angry Birds, Tiny wings, Angry Birds Rio, and Air Penguin. I was amazed.

    Oh and honestly I didn't know what fragger was until just now i googled it and played some at http://armorgames.com/play/4085/fragger I can see where your getting that, thay have the shared concept that your throwing something at something else to destroy it.
  • DizkoDizko Member Posts: 498
    Let me clarify, being like Fragger isn't a bad thing, it was just an observation. Fragger is a really great game IMO and I think your game is too. I just don't care that it's "birds" I think that theme is a bit played out.
  • RodrigoPerezRodrigoPerez Member Posts: 212
    Hopefully for my sake, I hope it's not yet lol...
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    i'd say if you don't really care what the character will be... change it into something else... if i saw the game... i wouldn't buy it because i'd think it's trying to imitate angry bird.. take a lesson from tshirtbooth and change it into another style it'll be more successful that way.
  • RodrigoPerezRodrigoPerez Member Posts: 212
    Thanks for the kind replies everyone!

    @ultima I hope that if people see the screenshots they'll figure out this is not a Angry Birds clone.

    Here are some goodies:

    Teaser Images Here
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    of course it's not a clone and i really like the graphics of some scenes... but the bird looks like an angry bird... i just think you can do better... if i didn't think you can do better or help you make more sales i wouldn't suggest.
  • icanmakeicanmake Member Posts: 466
    looks great. hope you take down angry birds
  • GamersRejoiceGamersRejoice Member Posts: 817
    I agree with Ultima. The game looks great, but if you don't want to be looked at as a angry birds rip off you need to lose the angry birds so to speak. Plus you probably shouldn't run around telling everyone that its an angry birds killer. I honestly believe that it gives people a bad taste in their mouth to make such outrageous statements.

    Regardless, good work!
  • RodrigoPerezRodrigoPerez Member Posts: 212
    I meant for "Angry Birds Killer" to be an outrageous statement to get peoples attention so they can check out the game.

    Angry Birds is a multimillion dollar franchise now and has surpassed all other apps in sales and is being ingrained into pop culture. Do I think it's likely that I'll make millions with this game? Not even close and I'm pretty sure Andreas Illiger didn't think so either (Tiny Wings has gone on to gross over two million and counting) ... But it's always good to be ambitious ;)

    I don't know why you can't post photos directly in the forum anymore, I wanted to show everyone the icon ;(
  • RodrigoPerezRodrigoPerez Member Posts: 212
    I'm hoping it will be New and Noteworthy!
  • diegocsdiegocs Member Posts: 531
    The concept is awesome, but i have some constructive criticism:

    -Change the enemies and characters to fit in with the graphic scheme of the levels, so either make it 3d or 2d type graphics, the end result would be way nicer
    -For this types of game i would recommend later making them on corona so you can add more interesting levels easier thanks to polygon collision.
    -Enemies look kinda boring

    So please email me [email protected], i have an interesting project i want to talk to you about if your interested.
  • RodrigoPerezRodrigoPerez Member Posts: 212
    -Yeah the 2d and 3d thing was something I had to realize was something I couldn't do in Gamesalad. For instance if I have the bird with one perspective then it would look funny that it never changed even when on different parts of the screen. So static environments were the only things I would render in 3d.

    -If this game is successful, Corona is definitely on the roadmap, but I have make sure the investment is worth it, as I would need to hire someone to port Bouncing Birds over.
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