A dog in Space? Zeke in Orbit HD available on the App Store (PROMOS)
This is my first GS game and I'm happy to announce Zeke in Orbit HD is officially out on the App store for the iPad! The iphone version is launching next Thursday July 14 so stick around for more updates...
iTunes Link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zeke-in-orbit-hd/id445283398?mt=8#
I've spent the past 7 months by myself developing this game as a project for my Master's of Science in game design and I believe it has some truly unique touch based game mechanics and physics that have not been utilized before. It is hard to describe but if I had to categorize the game I would say it is a physics-based-action-puzzle-adventure! Everyone I have beta tested so far has really enjoyed the experience and I know you will too but I fear I'm a small fish in a big pond and I need to make some kind of (indie) splash so I beg you to download it, rate it, and give me feedback!
-6 Strange Galaxies with 10 Levels each
-3 Bones on each level to challenge your abilities
-Smooth physics based mechanics keep you bouncing around levels for hours!
-New abilities and obstacles introduced every 5 levels to keep things interesting...
-Bonus Levels and unique modes of play.
-Original soundtrack for each galaxy and engaging sound effects!
-Emergent gameplay: never beat a level the same way twice!
-Paint the screen with Zeke's Colored rocket tails!

Since this is an ongoing master's project, I intend to upgrade to the GS Pro if sales are good enough in order to include GameCenter and perhaps hire an artist : )
Finally, I am willing to offer up 5 (iPad)promo codes to the first people who email me at bcwood[at]indiana[dot]edu and can copy and paste the first sentence of the App Store description.
iTunes Link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zeke-in-orbit-hd/id445283398?mt=8#
I've spent the past 7 months by myself developing this game as a project for my Master's of Science in game design and I believe it has some truly unique touch based game mechanics and physics that have not been utilized before. It is hard to describe but if I had to categorize the game I would say it is a physics-based-action-puzzle-adventure! Everyone I have beta tested so far has really enjoyed the experience and I know you will too but I fear I'm a small fish in a big pond and I need to make some kind of (indie) splash so I beg you to download it, rate it, and give me feedback!
-6 Strange Galaxies with 10 Levels each
-3 Bones on each level to challenge your abilities
-Smooth physics based mechanics keep you bouncing around levels for hours!
-New abilities and obstacles introduced every 5 levels to keep things interesting...
-Bonus Levels and unique modes of play.
-Original soundtrack for each galaxy and engaging sound effects!
-Emergent gameplay: never beat a level the same way twice!
-Paint the screen with Zeke's Colored rocket tails!

Since this is an ongoing master's project, I intend to upgrade to the GS Pro if sales are good enough in order to include GameCenter and perhaps hire an artist : )
Finally, I am willing to offer up 5 (iPad)promo codes to the first people who email me at bcwood[at]indiana[dot]edu and can copy and paste the first sentence of the App Store description.
Edit: Link: http://www.tipb.com/2011/07/07/updated-iphone-ipad-apps-thursday-july-7/
@NextGen, sure, give me a couple minutes and I'll DM you with one...that makes only 3 more promos I can give out (for now)...who wants the others?
After sending out all the promo codes to app review sites I will definitely post any remaining codes I have in these forums as GS really is where its at in terms of innovative games. I have been writing a journal of my experiences developing this game and will edit it and post it here in a couple of days, until then...Happy Orbiting!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
The money quote you should put on iTunes store: "It’s a lot of fun and very well made with natural feeling physics. It only took a few moments of gameplay to get me hooked!"
I'm going to giveaway 10 more promos here tomorrow...was wondering on advice for the best way to do it: should I just post them in the thread, make people PM me, or what? Let me know!
I've sold over 100 and its been out since Monday...hopefully today with TIPB and iphonegameUK's post today will help drive up sales!
@DoMan I will be posting some promos here tonight, first come first serve!
First come first serve! Please post here if you take a promo : ) Feedback appreciated!
Will post a review on www.caniplay.co.uk when I have had a good go at it.