Everyday I am surfing gamesalad and gshelper.com site. Since last 1-2 weeks there is no updates on the site. Seems like tshirtbooth is busy project. Is he allright? I love to learning from his video.
tenrdrmer said: Did you pay for vids? No? Hmm well then I guess I wouldn't bitch all too much.
tenrdrmer you need to calm down. Calvin was just reinforcing the point that creativeapps said. It is no reason to get all angry at him. Just cause you don't like someone that is not the way to act towards them. Stay calm.
@tenrdrmer we all are learning a lot from tshirt video. And he is my online teacher ( dont know about other ). So I am asking about next assignment class.
he's probably busy counting money... and GS really have no idea how valuable his videos are... i signed up because his video explained to me and my friend what this platform is about.
calvin9403 said: but he he says he is going to at least 1 vid each day
I am not saying anything about he really needs to do it, but I want to know why didn't he
Think about it. He makes these videos out of his OWN time. He isn't being paid to make these tutorials. He probably has many other things he could do. But he takes time out of his busy day to help others. You guys have gotten a little bit spoiled. Once you get free videos you start expecting them like you pay a subscription. he has kids! he has a job! he has many other projects to work on! give him a break. Eventually he will want to quit the videos all together if this continues. So just calm down and let him live. Hes not a tutorial slave.
my 2 cents
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
tshirtbooth said: Calvin its things like this why Gamesalad Never says anything to the forums about what is coming and when. But people like you hold them to it like its law. Things happen. Its summer and its a very busy time. I have 3 kids home all day and I'm also working on 6 projects.
Its my plan to get videos done. But i sooner close the web site down then be stressed out about people getting mad that i have not updated.
Please take gshelper.com for what it is. A FREE place to find great videos. If there is new videos then great if not then thats ok to.
tshirtbooth said: Calvin its things like this why Gamesalad Never says anything to the forums about what is coming and when. But people like you hold them to it like its law. Things happen. Its summer and its a very busy time. I have 3 kids home all day and I'm also working on 6 projects.
Its my plan to get videos done. But i sooner close the web site down then be stressed out about people getting mad that i have not updated.
Please take gshelper.com for what it is. A FREE place to find great videos. If there is new videos then great if not then thats ok to.
I am not saying anything about he really needs to do it, but I want to know why didn't he
my 2 cents