Need Artistic Partner to work on game(s).

CaliberGamesCaliberGames Member Posts: 33
I am looking for an artist who is skilled in Photoshop, illustrator, or flash. We would split the profits equally. I am a developer that is a perfectionist. I try to make everything work smoothly. I have many great game ideas, some I have already worked on but I am not the greatest artist. The show you that I work great with other developers, here is a very complicated animation I created on this site called GoAnimate.

If you are interested, email me at [email protected] or leave a message on my account.


Avalanche Games


  • CaliberGamesCaliberGames Member Posts: 33
    Anyone? Post below
  • CaliberGamesCaliberGames Member Posts: 33
    Anyone interested?
  • DhondonDhondon Member Posts: 717
    I think most people on this forum who can make graphics is not interested working for someone else ( I personally is only interested in publishing under my company name). Remember; GS is for non-coders, even I can make games:). So why would I team up with someone else? Do you have some mind blowing demos to show me? Can you code something I couldn't?
    Maybe this is not the right forum to looks for artists. Have you tried: gamedev or TA?
  • CaliberGamesCaliberGames Member Posts: 33
    Ya, but having a partner can relieve stress because you would finish the game(s) twice as fast. Making a quality games all by yourself takes quite a long time, but when you are working with someone else who also puts effort into the game(s), then you wouldn't have to work 24/7 on it and there would be a lot less stress involved.
  • DhondonDhondon Member Posts: 717
    Maybe you should post a link to the games you've made so far. Or some videos of some advanced stuff you have made with GS. That animation is not too impressive( not bad, but when someone writes "very complicated" I might have expected something more spectacular) and really not relevant to what you're offering (witch is coding, right?).
  • 3d103d10 Member Posts: 471
    You should better learn it yourself for this coding.
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