D-Capitatrix - Front page review on Touch Arcade :O
That's two in a day - WHAT'S GOING ON???
Well done to all involved!
Well done to all involved!

Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Game looks ace in the vid by the way.
This is not just two GameSalad game reviews... it's two in a row.
Hodapp mentioned something about hiring new staff members, so maybe they have more people for more reviews.
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- Jeff
...and then there's this... Just looking around here, members of this community are surprised. This doesn't seem like a completely random occurrence to me. I think it's possible that Touch Arcade is rethinking its opinion of GameSalad after what was discussed on the site...
I knew that review was in the making, but I had already given up my hopes that it would get published.
Again, my congrats also to jonmulcahy on his long way home!
I don't know whether jonmulcahy and gamesmold mentioned that they used GS to make the games in any of their correspondence with TA (if they had any at all) but maybe TA doesn't realize that these games were even made with GS. I know I asked you in the BOT thread about how TA knew BOT was made with GS and you said it was because you told them it was.
In any case, I think it's pretty sad that you can't just congratulate jonmulcahy and gamesmold for getting reviews on TA without trying to take credit away from their efforts.
- Jeff
Right now, I'm thinking... probably not. It seems that gamesmold was in discussion with Touch Arcade before the GameSalad discussion... and now I'm wondering if it's better to hide the "Made with GameSalad" aspect of our apps.
You are a very interesting fellow, and I'm trying very hard to give you the benefit of the doubt...
It's mind blowing as to how you turned this thread into something about you, when a simple congratulations would suffice.
- Jeff
D-Capitatrix looks like a great puzzle game. It's unique and I can see why they'd review it. The game has great graphics.
One of the comments after the review was funny to me
As for "A Long Way From Home" - it's good to see that game see some recognition. That game was in development for what... seven months?! That's a really long time for an app. It looks like a successful launch so far.
Still... the timing is interesting. D-Capitatrix was release last month and "A Long Way From Home" was released four days ago. Yet, Touch Arcade suddenly decide to publish back-to-back GameSalad reviews.
edit: i wonder if D-BOSS1000 is from around here
i didnt even know about d-capititrax it looks very polished so im glad it got the extra attention