sinus support gamesalad?

hi is there any sinus support in gamesalad?
i have to make a beautiful sinus that can have a different amplitudes...
if this is impossible how can i make a smooth curve as movement of the game character? (up and down)
i have to make a beautiful sinus that can have a different amplitudes...
if this is impossible how can i make a smooth curve as movement of the game character? (up and down)
discovered a new function;)
??? what's that (medical stuff?? xD)
euhm i didn't get results.
my character stays on 1/3 of the screen (camera control), so i didn't know if the x changed.
so i created a game attribute x.
also i created a timer-> every 0,2 seconds change attribute game.x to game.x+1.
also in this timer:
move-> direction = sin(game.x)
but the character only went forward (and not in sinus curves).
what to do???
have a look at these:
had already searched in the wiki (and the cookbook and youtube...) only i didn't saw it... xD