Hi All. Does anyone know how the whole tax situation works? Im a one man band and am registered in the UK, i have had a look on the dev center and there is a button for tax and that has a green tick on it. What i dont know is whether we pay it? how much is taken and how etc? Thanks for the help.
I would just search your gov website. the info should pretty straight forward.
Here in the states if you make under a certain amount you can just report it as "additional income" on your regular taxes.
Or you can always join the whole taxes are not enforceable movement and do nothing.
Good question though, because I have not submitted to the app store (Yet) what payment options can you select to be paid by - direct bank deposit, paypal?
@toby - payment options, not sure! I presume they just give you a direct bank deposit but they can take up to 90 days to pay you for that months earnings. You need to also make over $150 for that month or it rolls over.