
Just finished MeetingRun! The game is in review as of right now but I have some screen shots and a video of the first level to show. Working on the trailer right now.
Level1 Video

Level1 Video

I think i see my confetti template there
EDIT: Although I would like to see more levels, and what the challenge is (is there a time limit? Or badguys)?
EDIT2: Oh, now I notice what I assume are badguys--would love to see a video of more levels, though.
Thanks! Man if I knew you had a confetti template I would have used it, It was a pain trying to figure out particles.
Oh man a corporate game too, I'm glad you like it. I have 20 levels and 4 worlds there is no time limit, I made the game with a very simple objective and thats just to get to the meeting. Now you can collect all three items in each level to get 3 stars but not necessary. As for enemies the first 5 levels are about just getting used to the game, next 5 introduces zombies, next 5 ninjas, last 5 is the end of the world lava meteors. I have a trailer ready waiting for the games approval that will show you a lot more about the game.
Soon I hope, its in review
"it's the end of the world....well you'd better get to the meeeting!"
if the commentary (with a toggle) is in the game it would seal the deal for my purchase
nice work on the minigames as well - i hope this gets decent recognition - you can tell there is a lot of thought and quality into gameplay and you've taken the concept really far so well done for not giving in earlier!
working on a short teaser trailer as well? although i can see why you'd want to go with a longer one i think it will pay off and it held my attention (with a break :P)
Help spread the word plaese!
Best of luck to you, sir!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
just remind me...briefcase, donuts and what was the third thing i needed for the ultimate meeting?
Thanks for the kind words, I worked a long time on this game. I wanted to work on a short teaser, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get to it. Everyone I had test the game took a little time to get used to the controls, but when they did it was really cool to see the tricks they can do. Oh yeah DON’T forget the Coffee!
Thank You for the review! The controls are a little strange but I really wanted to try something different. I was always intrigued in making a platformer that the player can trip.
Thank you for the download, it is pretty crazy!
nice accent; noo don't touch the zombies :P good humor!
i will give it a try!:D
I would disagree about needing arrow controls as that will sort of make the game more specific and to-a point... whereas the clumsy nature of the movement in the beginning adds to the mayhem and makes it more rewarding when you manage to regularly pull off what you intended! its not a smboy or LoEvil or that new chocorun game i saw there
Cheers, Weswog