I agree I support giving codes away for review purpose as it helps improve the app, I hate finding out that all codes have been used and people haven't had the decency to rate or review.
Here's what I have found. If you want help on a game there are people on this forum (I try to be one of these) that put a lot of effort into helping solve each other's problems. I don't think it's fair to suggest that this forum is useless and not worth posting to. So sure, I get frustrated when I put up codes and no one takes them or they take them and don't leave a review. But then I remind myself that I wouldn't have had a game to review if not for these people on this forum.
Here's my philosophy on leaving reviews. If I take a code and I like the game I leave a review. If I take a code and I don't like the game I delete it from my ipod and when it asks me to rate it I always give a 5 star review if it is a GS game. I'm not going to go and write some long review about how great the game is if I don't really feel that way. I think it actually could hurt if someone buys a game that has rave reviews about how great it is if those reviews are just other GS users who are full of BS. If someone reads 4 or 5 reviews about how great a game was so they spend money on it and it is a really awful game, they would feel ripped off and would go back to the app in the iTunes store and write a horrible review telling people not to believe the other reviews. So I think in the short term it could get a couple of sales but actually do more harm in the end (I have seen reviews on other apps from angry people who feel like they were tricked).
So I hope we can all be supportive, but I don't think we should expect every GS user to leave lengthy reviews on every app.
Another thing, aren't the reviews people leave country specific? So If a person in Canada leaves a review it only shows up in the Canadian store? Not sure, but I thought that is how it works. So maybe you have more reviews from GS folks than you realize.
@jhaas - hope you change your mind and stick around!
JHaas I wouldn't take it too personally, I've had hit or miss with respect to announcing games, and sometimes I get no reviews, and sometimes a few, I think peeps are very busy now with their own games and perhaps getting ready for the MacWorld contest too, so don't give up on us yet!
I for one work full time so the only time I really have a chance to read posts and reply is after work or on weekends
I just checked iTunes and after two days on the promo distributor site that I mentioned earlier in this thread I have had two or three reviews for each of the apps I posted to that site and so far all positive. Before that I have had only 1 or 2 TOTAL. So if you are looking to get reviews you may want to try that and use this forum for game design help.
There are several thousand developers, who answered all questions you may ever ask. You can also share your experiences there or read about other people's experiences in every possible topic around development, selling, marketing etc.
Promo code downloads count in ranking. Promo code reviews are only in US store possible.
Reviews from other countries are only visible in that store for that country.
For statistics, ranks, reviews etc from all around the world use http://appfigures.com
You can find answers for all your development/marketing and whatnot related questions on iphonedevsdk.com/forum/
There are several thousand developers, who answered all questions you may ever ask. You can also share your experiences there or read about other people's experiences in every possible topic around development, selling, marketing etc.
Promo code downloads count in ranking. Promo code reviews are only in US store possible.
Reviews from other countries are only visible in that store for that country.
For statistics, ranks, reviews etc from all around the world use appfigures.com
You can find answers for all your development/marketing and whatnot related questions on iphonedevsdk. com forum
There are several thousand developers, who answered all questions you may ever ask. You can also share your experiences there or read about other people's experiences in every possible topic around development, selling, marketing etc.
Promo code downloads count in ranking. Promo code reviews are only in US store possible.
Reviews from other countries are only visible in that store for that country.
For statistics, ranks, reviews etc from all around the world use appfigures. com
You can find answers for all your development/marketing and whatnot related questions on the website iphonedevsdk forum
There are several thousand developers, who answered all questions you may ever ask. You can also share your experiences there or read about other people's experiences in every possible topic around development, selling, marketing etc.
Promo code downloads count in ranking. Promo code reviews are only in US store possible.
Reviews from other countries are only visible in that store for that country.
For statistics, ranks, reviews etc from all around the world use appfigures website.
I've taken a couple of days to respond to this as I really wanted to think about what I was going to say - a first!
Firstly, let me just say this is all my personal opinion. I can't expect everyone to abide by my 'rules', but I like to lead by example where I can
Plenty of people have supported you over the months since GS went 'Live'. I've even got your 'oh nuts' game on my iPhone. I paid for it and liked it. This does not mean I will like/buy/find interesting everything you produce. I don't expect it of others, and I hope others don't expect it of me. With so many GS apps out, it becomes impractical at best.
A lot has changed since this all started, I'll agree. But it's not all for the worse. And I certainly don't see the kids throwing a hissy fit like you seem to be doing.
I searched for your post about your new game, and couldn't find it. Maybe it's a problem with the search function. Maybe you've deleted the post. I have no idea, and will go with my first hunch as the second seems overly immature.
Additionally, there are a huge amount of GameSalad games/apps being released every week. I wish I could look at all of them, I wish I could respond to every post that I'd like to, and I wish I could take time to help people more. Unfortunately, time is something I have little of these days (oh, sweet irony!) and I'm sure it's the same for a lot of people.
Some tips/possible improvements in general:
1. If you're announcing a game, try to be descriptive in your title. e.g. 'Quantum Sheep releases retro puzzle shooter Bugzone' instead of 'New game out!'. 2. Provide links to your game - I've lost count of the amount of times people have said 'I've got a new game out!' and not bothered posting a link to the game. MAKE IT EASY FOR PEOPLE TO FIND. You want to help people find your game, don't make them work for it! 3. Provide a description. A modified version of the one you used to describe your app on the App store should work. It's a shame we can't post pics directly into thread, but I think sometimes that's a godsend! So provide links to pics and/or a youtube vid. 4. I used to be part of an Interactive Fiction forum (text adventures, kids!). It was hard to get attention/support from the community there as most people seemed interested in the *process* of making games, rather than *playing* them. I know it's hard to get attention here sometimes, but don't be discouraged if you feel you're not getting heard. There are a lot of busy people here, and many voices to drown you out. Persevere. 4. Bump your own threads if you have something to add. My own Singularity Drive thread is a bit of a mess a I bumped it several times. But each time I had added something new to it. This leads on to... 5. Don't make new threads about the same game/issue. It's just annoying, clogs up the forum and pushes other threads off the first page and makes things harder to find. 6. Use the SEARCH function - top right of the page - to see if anyone's already written about something before starting a new topic. 7. Additionally, thread titles like 'AAAARRRGGGH! Need HELP NOW!!!' don't help. Think about your thread title. Use something like 'Problem with timers - please help!'. Then before you post, put 'Timers' into the search category and have a read 8. Yes, there are two number 4s.
Be a human being. A good one: A lot of people get my time by being friendly, helpful and supportive. Or just by being polite. If you come across as a bit of a twat, up your own arse, arrogant or just plain rude I'm less likely to respond to your post or look at your game. Think of it as Karma I know I'm not the best there is but I try and be positive and helpful. I try very hard. I'm *very* trying etc.
To sum up, allow me to use response number 71 from my app 'Unbearably Wonderful'. It says: "I wish they wouldn't fight."
Then again, response 39 is "Three drinks and I'm anyone's." and response 101 is 'Any one of us could be a Cylon' - so what do I know, eh?
Apologies - my response had an editorial error that I should probably correct so everyone won't think me the nasty selfish brute I'm being made out to be.
I need to clarify - I'm not upset by a lack of response to my app's release post. I know people have other things to do. That's cool. I was upset by the fact that some folks did use the promo codes and NONE of them left any kind of review AND didn't even respond to the post with a "thank you for the free software" or something. That's at least polite and I didn't even get that.
That's why I'm not posting anymore codes or app releases- because of that. I don't expect people's world to revolve around my silly little offerings - but when you leave codes don't you at least expect some acknowledgement by those who take your codes? At least a thank you?
Sorry for the confusion. I must have accidently deleted the line explaining the used codes - my bad, I should use a proper mouse and not the touch pad when writing.
Now you can think what you like of me, but at least you're better informed now.
Please excuse the brevity of my response - Internet is down and I'm on the phone
Well that certainly makes sense - bear in mind though that as with most forums, *anyone* can come in, read your post, and take a code - no sign up necessary!
It happens on the Touch Arcade forums too, as well as others.
Wow this post was not to upset everyone or compete it was a friendly reminder for those of us here Reviews are important I myself don't care if it's good review or bad review, just a review and an honest review that helps. The support here is great everybody is on the same page and everyone helps I like that about this site but it's all just a friendly reminder to support your fellow man or woman
A possible solution would be to have a 'Promo Code' category, and only allow access to it for members.
This would keep the rest of the forums open so that visitors can get a feel for things, but would require them to sign up as a member to gain access to the codes.
Whilst it won't stop people just signing up and getting codes, it is an extra step they'd have to go through, and if nothing else, would increase the figures for GS
I've posted about nine review over the last two months. I even sent an email to a friend of mine to help get a game on the new and noteworthy. When I post codes I would like for it to get a response. I know sometime it will and sometimes it want.
I don't have time to review every app that comes out and I don't expect anyone else to. I've posted questions that don't get responses. I wait a day and respond to it again.
I've had a couple of GS users send me an email asking me to review an app for them, and I did. If you know some GS users ask them.
I don't think you need a solution. If you get no response just ask again.
Not only did no one leave any kind of review, but no one even bothered to acknowledge the post.
I won't be giving codes away on this forum any more and probably won't post anymore game releases here. What's the point?
There's a noticeable change on these forums since the $99 price has opened the doors to all the "kids".
I'm done here - goodbye.
Here's my philosophy on leaving reviews. If I take a code and I like the game I leave a review. If I take a code and I don't like the game I delete it from my ipod and when it asks me to rate it I always give a 5 star review if it is a GS game. I'm not going to go and write some long review about how great the game is if I don't really feel that way. I think it actually could hurt if someone buys a game that has rave reviews about how great it is if those reviews are just other GS users who are full of BS. If someone reads 4 or 5 reviews about how great a game was so they spend money on it and it is a really awful game, they would feel ripped off and would go back to the app in the iTunes store and write a horrible review telling people not to believe the other reviews. So I think in the short term it could get a couple of sales but actually do more harm in the end (I have seen reviews on other apps from angry people who feel like they were tricked).
So I hope we can all be supportive, but I don't think we should expect every GS user to leave lengthy reviews on every app.
Another thing, aren't the reviews people leave country specific? So If a person in Canada leaves a review it only shows up in the Canadian store? Not sure, but I thought that is how it works. So maybe you have more reviews from GS folks than you realize.
@jhaas - hope you change your mind and stick around!
this site seems to be working pretty well for getting promo codes out and getting reviews
hope it helps
I for one work full time so the only time I really have a chance to read posts and reply is after work or on weekends
Thanks Scitunes, yes if someone reviews in another country, that review will only appear in that country
There are several thousand developers, who answered all questions you may ever ask. You can also share your experiences there or read about other people's experiences in every possible topic around development, selling, marketing etc.
Promo code downloads count in ranking.
Promo code reviews are only in US store possible.
Reviews from other countries are only visible in that store for that country.
For statistics, ranks, reviews etc from all around the world use http://appfigures.com
There are several thousand developers, who answered all questions you may ever ask. You can also share your experiences there or read about other people's experiences in every possible topic around development, selling, marketing etc.
Promo code downloads count in ranking.
Promo code reviews are only in US store possible.
Reviews from other countries are only visible in that store for that country.
For statistics, ranks, reviews etc from all around the world use appfigures.com
There are several thousand developers, who answered all questions you may ever ask. You can also share your experiences there or read about other people's experiences in every possible topic around development, selling, marketing etc.
Promo code downloads count in ranking.
Promo code reviews are only in US store possible.
Reviews from other countries are only visible in that store for that country.
For statistics, ranks, reviews etc from all around the world use appfigures. com
There are several thousand developers, who answered all questions you may ever ask. You can also share your experiences there or read about other people's experiences in every possible topic around development, selling, marketing etc.
Promo code downloads count in ranking.
Promo code reviews are only in US store possible.
Reviews from other countries are only visible in that store for that country.
For statistics, ranks, reviews etc from all around the world use appfigures website.
Google for them.
Firstly, let me just say this is all my personal opinion. I can't expect everyone to abide by my 'rules', but I like to lead by example where I can
Plenty of people have supported you over the months since GS went 'Live'. I've even got your 'oh nuts' game on my iPhone. I paid for it and liked it. This does not mean I will like/buy/find interesting everything you produce. I don't expect it of others, and I hope others don't expect it of me. With so many GS apps out, it becomes impractical at best.
A lot has changed since this all started, I'll agree. But it's not all for the worse. And I certainly don't see the kids throwing a hissy fit like you seem to be doing.
I searched for your post about your new game, and couldn't find it. Maybe it's a problem with the search function. Maybe you've deleted the post. I have no idea, and will go with my first hunch as the second seems overly immature.
Additionally, there are a huge amount of GameSalad games/apps being released every week. I wish I could look at all of them, I wish I could respond to every post that I'd like to, and I wish I could take time to help people more. Unfortunately, time is something I have little of these days (oh, sweet irony!) and I'm sure it's the same for a lot of people.
Some tips/possible improvements in general:
1. If you're announcing a game, try to be descriptive in your title. e.g. 'Quantum Sheep releases retro puzzle shooter Bugzone' instead of 'New game out!'.
2. Provide links to your game - I've lost count of the amount of times people have said 'I've got a new game out!' and not bothered posting a link to the game. MAKE IT EASY FOR PEOPLE TO FIND. You want to help people find your game, don't make them work for it!
3. Provide a description. A modified version of the one you used to describe your app on the App store should work. It's a shame we can't post pics directly into thread, but I think sometimes that's a godsend! So provide links to pics and/or a youtube vid.
4. I used to be part of an Interactive Fiction forum (text adventures, kids!). It was hard to get attention/support from the community there as most people seemed interested in the *process* of making games, rather than *playing* them. I know it's hard to get attention here sometimes, but don't be discouraged if you feel you're not getting heard. There are a lot of busy people here, and many voices to drown you out. Persevere.
4. Bump your own threads if you have something to add. My own Singularity Drive thread is a bit of a mess a I bumped it several times. But each time I had added something new to it. This leads on to...
5. Don't make new threads about the same game/issue. It's just annoying, clogs up the forum and pushes other threads off the first page and makes things harder to find.
6. Use the SEARCH function - top right of the page - to see if anyone's already written about something before starting a new topic.
7. Additionally, thread titles like 'AAAARRRGGGH! Need HELP NOW!!!' don't help. Think about your thread title. Use something like 'Problem with timers - please help!'. Then before you post, put 'Timers' into the search category and have a read
8. Yes, there are two number 4s.
Be a human being. A good one: A lot of people get my time by being friendly, helpful and supportive. Or just by being polite. If you come across as a bit of a twat, up your own arse, arrogant or just plain rude I'm less likely to respond to your post or look at your game. Think of it as Karma
I try very hard.
I'm *very* trying etc.
To sum up, allow me to use response number 71 from my app 'Unbearably Wonderful'. It says:
"I wish they wouldn't fight."
Then again, response 39 is "Three drinks and I'm anyone's." and response 101 is 'Any one of us could be a Cylon' - so what do I know, eh?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
First round on me
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
I need to clarify - I'm not upset by a lack of response to my app's release post. I know people have other things to do. That's cool. I was upset by the fact that some folks did use the promo codes and NONE of them left any kind of review AND didn't even respond to the post with a "thank you for the free software" or something. That's at least polite and I didn't even get that.
That's why I'm not posting anymore codes or app releases- because of that. I don't expect people's world to revolve around my silly little offerings - but when you leave codes don't you at least expect some acknowledgement by those who take your codes? At least a thank you?
Sorry for the confusion. I must have accidently deleted the line explaining the used codes - my bad, I should use a proper mouse and not the touch pad when writing.
Now you can think what you like of me, but at least you're better informed now.
Well that certainly makes sense - bear in mind though that as with most forums, *anyone* can come in, read your post, and take a code - no sign up necessary!
It happens on the Touch Arcade forums too, as well as others.
Hope that helps,
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Reviews are important I myself don't care if it's good review or bad review, just a review and an honest review that helps. The support here is great everybody is on the same page and everyone helps I like that about this site but it's all just a friendly reminder to support your fellow man or woman
A possible solution would be to have a 'Promo Code' category, and only allow access to it for members.
This would keep the rest of the forums open so that visitors can get a feel for things, but would require them to sign up as a member to gain access to the codes.
Whilst it won't stop people just signing up and getting codes, it is an extra step they'd have to go through, and if nothing else, would increase the figures for GS
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
I don't have time to review every app that comes out and I don't expect anyone else to. I've posted questions that don't get responses. I wait a day and respond to it again.
I've had a couple of GS users send me an email asking me to review an app for them, and I did. If you know some GS users ask them.
I don't think you need a solution. If you get no response just ask again.