Very impressive trailer! What tool do you use? I am having a really hard time trying to find good movie/trailer making software.
I really like the robot animation, and space background. Does the game get faster as you go along? Or are there levels?
The only criticism that I can think of is that you might want more than 1 planet--the brown one gets old after a while. Oh, and I'm not really sure, after watching it, how it's different than other platformer games. Just my opinion.
i think it really picks up after 14 seconds, love the pacing and effects after that. the problem with the first 14 seconds..i know u were trying to get the effect of brief/little glimpses of gameplay action but i just found it tedious and was waiting for it to be over. its not as effective as it sort of reveals all of what is seen later on as well! then a great choice of music kicks in and it picks up
I think the other thing that you would really benefit from is one rule and two images (jump and fall) - as of now he is still running when he jumps u really would have a much more polished looking game with at least a jump image (when character linear y motion >0 animate jump otherwise animate fall) or something more complex depending on your games needs..just a slight variation like spacing and positioning of the robots limbs
the planet i would move much much slower! perhaps a little higher up as well - good luck with the progress!
at 0:23 seconds in the video the player is landing on a platform that is not (or very barely visible, in the video at least) - might want to slightly raise the minimum height of the platforms
Dizko said: Isn't it a default template in iMovie?
"Wait a second..there are templates in iMovie?"
Quick google search... "Wait a second..iMovie '11 has super easy trailer templates?"
Quick google serach... "Wait a second..iMovie costs $15?"
A few more googles later, I'm totally ready to shell out $15. I had given up on iMovie, when I tried making my last trailer. Now I think I'll update and try again. Thanks for mentioning it, Dizko.
Sorry that I'm about to sound like a dick, but that is not a good or impressive trailer. In fact I would go as far as to say it's the opposite.
First, the iMovie templates don't make it good, in fact it works much like a GameSalad template, in that it looks… like a template.
But that's fine, it's a quick way to spice things up.
The reason I say it's not a good trailer is the editing. It's riddled with jump cuts and bad edits that make it jarring to the viewer, which will turn of potential buyers.
Notice at the beginning there are dips to black transitioning each cut. So although the scene doesn't really change (because it's the same game scene) it transitions smoothing.
But at the end, there are no transitions between the shots, but are relatively the same scene. Jump Cuts. It looks like the characters and scenery in the game jump around, and it can even come off as bad programming, not just editing.
There are also moments where there are 3-4 cuts in a fraction of a second that are really jarring as well.
But DO NOT just fix this by adding more transitions… then it's just going to look goofy. Shorten the length of the trailer, but when you cut to game footage, leave it as one shot so you actually get to see the game in proper action.
But the key to good editing is to have good source material (or a micheal bay budget to hide everything). If your trailer comes off as too repetitive or tedious, then it's likely a good idea to go back to the source and work on the game, livening it up a bit.
like the others have stated, add more scenery to the game to spice things up, then they will shine threw the trailer itself.
But coming from a background in video editing… you're going to have to work on it and make it better if you want to stand out.
Again, sorry for being a dick, but I'z tells its as I'z sees its. And I'm only trying to help... take what you want... or dont... but good luck on sales either way
@mrshoestore I totally agree with you, I am only 14 years old and I am not a PRO on doing trailers and this was an iMovie template. @mangaroo The screen recorder I used didnt capture the whole game sorry... @jb15 Thanks and yes that is iMovie LOL
CabacoAppNews said: @mrshoestore I totally agree with you, I am only 14 years old and I am not a PRO on doing trailers and this was an iMovie template.
Im 14 to! HighFive! Im currently making my trailer in iMovie.
I really like the robot animation, and space background. Does the game get faster as you go along? Or are there levels?
The only criticism that I can think of is that you might want more than 1 planet--the brown one gets old after a while.
Let us know when it hits the store.
I think the other thing that you would really benefit from is one rule and two images (jump and fall) - as of now he is still running when he jumps u really would have a much more polished looking game with at least a jump image (when character linear y motion >0 animate jump otherwise animate fall) or something more complex depending on your games needs..just a slight variation like spacing and positioning of the robots limbs
the planet i would move much much slower! perhaps a little higher up as well - good luck with the progress!
at 0:23 seconds in the video the player is landing on a platform that is not (or very barely visible, in the video at least) - might want to slightly raise the minimum height of the platforms
Quick google search... "Wait a second..iMovie '11 has super easy trailer templates?"
Quick google serach... "Wait a second..iMovie costs $15?"
A few more googles later, I'm totally ready to shell out $15. I had given up on iMovie, when I tried making my last trailer. Now I think I'll update and try again. Thanks for mentioning it, Dizko.
The bender-looking character is cool enough, but the ennemy is an obvious re-coloring of an hardhat (megaman) picture.
First, the iMovie templates don't make it good, in fact it works much like a GameSalad template, in that it looks… like a template.
But that's fine, it's a quick way to spice things up.
The reason I say it's not a good trailer is the editing. It's riddled with jump cuts and bad edits that make it jarring to the viewer, which will turn of potential buyers.
Notice at the beginning there are dips to black transitioning each cut. So although the scene doesn't really change (because it's the same game scene) it transitions smoothing.
But at the end, there are no transitions between the shots, but are relatively the same scene. Jump Cuts. It looks like the characters and scenery in the game jump around, and it can even come off as bad programming, not just editing.
There are also moments where there are 3-4 cuts in a fraction of a second that are really jarring as well.
But DO NOT just fix this by adding more transitions… then it's just going to look goofy. Shorten the length of the trailer, but when you cut to game footage, leave it as one shot so you actually get to see the game in proper action.
But the key to good editing is to have good source material (or a micheal bay budget to hide everything). If your trailer comes off as too repetitive or tedious, then it's likely a good idea to go back to the source and work on the game, livening it up a bit.
like the others have stated, add more scenery to the game to spice things up, then they will shine threw the trailer itself.
But coming from a background in video editing… you're going to have to work on it and make it better if you want to stand out.
Again, sorry for being a dick, but I'z tells its as I'z sees its. And I'm only trying to help... take what you want... or dont... but good luck on sales either way
@mangaroo The screen recorder I used didnt capture the whole game sorry...
@jb15 Thanks and yes that is iMovie LOL
Im currently making my trailer in iMovie.