Game Creation Log: Cancer Sucks
Alright a little background information. Mom had a tumor removed the size of a small lime two years ago; and around that same time I joined the largest student run organization in the west (US). A few weeks ago my mom informed me that the tumors have returned and are growing fast. Luckily I know she will be fine. Either God really loves her, or he is afraid that she might talk his head off (Oh boy, is she Italian).
My roommate is a head on the adult board and asked if I could do a game.
Answered: Hell Ya!!!!
So... I thought I would keep the gameplay and building of the game simple (Since the more effort I put in a game the worse it does). Object of the game is simple, kill as many brain tumors as you can.
Based off of Darren's Recycle Video in the cookbook.

Then once you die, random brain tumor quote will pop up and show score, high score.
Part of the proceeds (hopefully there will be some) will go to the organization I'm apart of.
Students Supporting Brain Tumor Research
Link to their website:
My roommate is a head on the adult board and asked if I could do a game.
Answered: Hell Ya!!!!
So... I thought I would keep the gameplay and building of the game simple (Since the more effort I put in a game the worse it does). Object of the game is simple, kill as many brain tumors as you can.
Based off of Darren's Recycle Video in the cookbook.

Then once you die, random brain tumor quote will pop up and show score, high score.
Part of the proceeds (hopefully there will be some) will go to the organization I'm apart of.
Students Supporting Brain Tumor Research
Link to their website:
Thanks guys
I suck at making names.
Whadaya think? Tumors get zapped by lightning strikes from the synapses, sorta thing?
If it's a Tower Defense, I'd call it Tumor Defense.
If it's a Fruit Ninja style, I'd call it Tumor Ninja.
If you look at the SSBTR logo, I does go well with your idea of electrical pulses firing. Nice!
Do you guys think having the word 'brain' in the title would ward off all of the cool kids?
Cancer Sucks
Melanomore. (LOL)
I wanted to give you a heads up that will be adding a brain tumor level in the coming weeks at the request of a 14 year old who I met at the chemo center while I was beta'ing the app.
I wish you Mom the best in her recovery. Cancer Sucks.
I'll buy outasite's too, when it's ready. Thread forum favorited.
Game Creation Log: Cancer Sucks
Will post some art work and gameplay soon.
If by any chances a moderator stops by, could you do a thread name change?
Game Creation Log: Cancer Sucks
EDIT: Could you tell I was a bit nervous? hah
It seems like everyone is have a 2 gen?
Here are some suggestions:
1) Add some kind of kill effect (explosion animation, particles, etc.) for when the tumors are tapped.
2) Add some kind of animation or flashing effect when the brain gets hit by a tumor.
3) For clarification, add some text to the scores so that the player knows the score on the left is the current score and the score on the right is the high score.
4) Add sound effects for different actions (when the tumors are destroyed, when the brain is hit by a tumor, when the brain dies, etc.)
5) Add a link to the organization's website.
Good luck with the game and I hope your mom can successfully fight off the tumors again.
- Jeff
1) If you watch Darren's vid at the top of the post, he used a "curly wurly" and I did the same thing, but it didn't really work out to well when two fingers are used. Might just add an effect when tumor is killed.
1.5) I was thinking of going off JP's lightning idea, but I am still thinking of how I was do the artwork.
2) Possibly a white screen flash? I read something of Photics doing it in his BOT game.
3) In the vid a have squares of the the side. Later those will be icons :P
4) Sounds are usually last for me... I am not musically talented at all, and in all of my games everything is done by me. (Besides Prismo, music was done by Ronald Jenkees)
5) I was I could link, do not have pro. I've only made $28 in lik3 4 months. So grossing at -$71.00 hah...
Thanks SOOOO much for all of the feedback!
I will post a vid soon on the new updates.
Working on some freelance website stuff for my bro.
The lightning would be cool too, but I'm afraid for performance. And how would I implement the lightning from the brain to the tumor? Using the draw template?
Just thinking out loud.
That could probably help with the performance, I was thinking a direct link from brain to tumor.