Hi All,
This is my first game, a icopter clone..

As the topic says, need honest feedback

about the graphics, gameplay..any suggestions or additions that you guys think are required.
can it be released as a free game?
Also need some suggestions for naming the game..
P.S the fish are courtesy of darren.
Ive just started using the GS SDK today and have already run into a size issue....lol 12mb so far...and im only on to the intro.....
thnx for replying, im also waiting for reponses from the senior devs here, lets hope ppl reply.
do think of a name if you can :-)
Fishy invaders...
Fish fury...
Swim for your life...
2) I think the game should probably start out a little slower and speed up as the game goes on. It seems kind of too fast at the start.
3) Obviously, sound effects (underwater-type noises, fish chomping, powerups grabbed, etc.) and music would really help the gaming experience.
4) Adding parallax scrolling would help the appearance of depth.
5) You might want to consider adding other obstacles, other than fish, such as boulders, fish hooks or boat rotors (from boats above), kelp, etc. I think the variety will help make the game more interesting.
- Jeff
thank you so much for replying.
am already adding sound, didnt think of parallax ill work on that
will add a few more.obstacles,
less speed at start? i thght it was slow :-) ill fix that.
thnx again