Is it possible to change an app's icon before launch?
So I successfully loaded my first app to Apple, thanks to the help of many, many people on this forum. It's awaiting approval. I noticed that it's glossy. Now I know it's possible to change that in future releases, but I wondered: Is it possible to make it non-glossy BEFORE the release date and/or BEFORE it has even been approved by Apple?
Thanks again for everybody's help thus far.
Thanks again for everybody's help thus far.
If you didn't change the setting in the publishing process, then a new binary is needed to make the change. If it was already set to non-glossy in the app, then just upload the image again.
I noticed Apple automatically changes the image based on what the App is set at. But if an app isn't uploaded yet... or was just recently uploaded... it defaults to glossy.
If it comes out on the app store as a glossy app then you didn't set it in GS when you published. that is one of the annoying must check every single time things since even GS defaults to glossy even if you have changed it in the past.
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