BEE TERMINATOR (promo codes)
This is my first game ,about Bee Terminator which shooting to everybody
Simple but fun
I didn't use any template, i prefer to make a game from a scratch
See my game, here i have list a promo codes
LOGO and concepts have been created by my wife
here is a link to her website!__beeterminator
Please leave some comments ,what do you think about this game
This is my first game ,about Bee Terminator which shooting to everybody
Simple but fun
I didn't use any template, i prefer to make a game from a scratch
See my game, here i have list a promo codes
LOGO and concepts have been created by my wife
here is a link to her website!__beeterminator
Please leave some comments ,what do you think about this game
- Jeff
Please write me some reviev what's wrong with these game, i have 0 download per day
Is there problem with a
You can download a game for FREE
- Jeff
The effects, graphics, and music/sound effects are fine. The zooming on the enemies after they die is a cool effect but the whole screen is covered so you're playing blind. The primary weakness of the game is the touch controls though. There are many problems with the way the touch controls are implemented:
1) Having to touch an area on the screen to move the bee in that direction means you're covering a lot of the screen with your fingers. It makes it hard to see enemies and powerups because of this.
2) Touching an enemy to shoot them also moves the bee in that direction so you constantly have to touch the enemy then touch the screen in the opposite direction to keep the bee from colliding with the enemy.
3) Occasionally, I'll touch a part of the screen to move the bee and the missile will fire (even though there was no enemy there). Considering there's a limited amount of missiles, that's a problem.
Because of the size of the bee/enemies, the screen feels cramped and I think the game would benefit from having a bigger playing field that scrolls around. Currently, there's very little room to move around with the enemies spawning, etc. Also, is there a point to the friendly moth? He doesn't seem to do anything. You can't shoot him. Are you supposed to protect him?
I hope that's helpful for you.
- Jeff
- Jeff
how i can support both landscape orientations?
- Jeff