Attack of the Killer Zombie Fish Out Now! Promo codes

I just released my first game that was made through GameSalad.
Attack of the Killer Zombie Fish is a classic wave defence style game.
Features 17 levels which increase the in spawn amount and speed as you go higher lasting from 21 seconds to a massive 80 minutes for the "5000" level.
and I thought some of the GS community wouldn't mind checking it out so below is 10 one time only promo codes for use;
Please leave me a review if you like the game and if you don't let me know how you think I could improve on the game.
Anthony MacDonald
Attack of the Killer Zombie Fish is a classic wave defence style game.
Features 17 levels which increase the in spawn amount and speed as you go higher lasting from 21 seconds to a massive 80 minutes for the "5000" level.
and I thought some of the GS community wouldn't mind checking it out so below is 10 one time only promo codes for use;
Please leave me a review if you like the game and if you don't let me know how you think I could improve on the game.
Anthony MacDonald
Will post a review when I got home tonight.
Looks kind of like my game, except in my game you use your fingers and the theme is completely different. :P
...And my game actually has music and a high score system and a much better menu...
If this is your first game, good job and try making something bigger! If this is not your first game, I'm afraid I'll have to be a critic here.
First of all, only the splash screen tells you how to play. There is no music and only 8 short levels. When you complete a level, you're stuck in the level complete screen (unless I am missing something). Adding the fact that there is only one type of enemy and no scoreing system whatsoever made this game a disappointment. Try again next time!
maybe something like -
Had to pull the game to fix the freezing after level complete, which is annoying due to the 7 day timer.
But to answer your question yes this is my first game through GameSalad. more use to C++, C in XNA, and JavaScript which im currently studying at Uni.
The is menu is scrollable to show the other available missions.
Sound has now been added with the firing of the bubbles so atleast this was a update tied into a fix, and with the score it is in the game just not shown was using it during the development to make sure I was getting the correct spawn amounts rather then trying to count the spawn amounts during game play.
Currently im trying to work out a use for a scoring system in the game and if so do I want it to be a community score from all the levels or a stand alone level score which the could be then turned into a star system like every other angry birds game & clone. Thank you for the idea ill work on a few different backgrounds in the style as my fish characters