Danger Cats! updated on GameSalad.com
Just wanted to mention that I posted an update to Danger Cats! in the web games section:
Here's what's new:
The game now keeps track of the levels that you complete.
You can complete them in any order.
Completed levels are marked with a star on the level select screens.
There is now a Congratulations! screen when you complete all the levels.
The game now keeps track of all the user settings like music volume, sfx volume, and the animated background toggle.
Replaced the default GS fonts with custom fonts throughout.
Added a "Cat Stats" screen which keeps track of how long the player has played the game, how many levels have been completed, and how many cats have been lost.
Added a "reset all stats" button which will clear all of the stats, as well as all of the levels completed.
Some minor little tweaks here and there as well.
That's about it. Nothing too amazing, just some more polishing that I wanted to do before the next update.
I welcome all feedback!
Just wanted to mention that I posted an update to Danger Cats! in the web games section:
Here's what's new:
The game now keeps track of the levels that you complete.
You can complete them in any order.
Completed levels are marked with a star on the level select screens.
There is now a Congratulations! screen when you complete all the levels.
The game now keeps track of all the user settings like music volume, sfx volume, and the animated background toggle.
Replaced the default GS fonts with custom fonts throughout.
Added a "Cat Stats" screen which keeps track of how long the player has played the game, how many levels have been completed, and how many cats have been lost.
Added a "reset all stats" button which will clear all of the stats, as well as all of the levels completed.
Some minor little tweaks here and there as well.
That's about it. Nothing too amazing, just some more polishing that I wanted to do before the next update.
I welcome all feedback!
@rebump: Yeah, I just wanted to get the saving stuff in, as well as a congratulations screen, before I release the next update of the game. These updates only took me a day to implement, so not too much of a time investment. I'm planning on releasing a new version of Danger Cats! tomorrow with 20 more levels, as well as a LITE version. See how that does.
I am working on a new game as well - was going to enter it into the MacWorld competition - and I wanted to iron out all the saving stuff for that game also.
Or did you only do it on the numbers, using 'someone's' (sorry 'someone!!') trick for using custom images in place of the numbers?
PS, I bought it, and showed a friend over Xmas, and he bought it too! Hope it's doing well so far, it really deserves to.
For the fonts, yes just the numbers.
Each digit is a separate .png image.
I made a demo a little while back showing how to do that:
The rest of the fonts are not dynamic either, just static images done in Photoshop.