Birds Attack! In App store NOW!
Lightning FAST acceptance into the App store, this game was submitted 2 days ago, went into review yesterday, and accepted today!
I will post a link up as soon as it's posted in there!
I will post a link up as soon as it's posted in there!
any promos in the meantime?
Good job!
Damn this game is over 10mb, so when I get home tonight, I've gotta' trim the fat from this one and resubmit!
I'm working late, but as soon as I arrive home, I will give out promo codes
This was one of the first games I ever made, and was finally able to release it given the save high score feature, I created the birds myself through Pixen, otherwise the other graphics are from artists, and istockphoto
As far as graphics are concerned, it really depends on istock. You purchase points, so there are different tiers of points, the more you spend, the more points you get and a little extra. I believe their base is $18 dollars for 10 points, you can get some bargain images on there that are 1-2 points each, but most cost 10-15 points so it just depends on what images you're looking for!
I also have 2 graphics artists that work with me and they are much more cost effective, but istock is nice if you need backgrounds and stuff
I also changed the release date pending the update, so the game may not be available to view right now, but as soon as the update is approved I will repost the release
every image is 1 credit (1 credit=1 dollar)
So see if you can find what images you need on the other cheaper sites, and if not, then get what you need at istockphoto
I submitted an update to this game so it's not in the store yet since I was able to change the release date to a couple of days from now, so once the update is approved, I will give out promo codes
Not sure? I would think it would still be there, but remain in the "old version" I appreciate your review, thank you!
My strategy was to release the game as new when it's downloadable on mobile devices so we'll see
The update will put it under 10mb so peeps can download on the go