A lot of animation just uses an open a shut, but if you want to slow the thing down you can add a frame or two on the opening. If you think about it, When we blink it is pretty snappy on the shut and slower on the opening.
If you are doing a lot of expressions and any lip-syncing I suggest you have a look at Magpie and Magpie pro. NOt only can you lipsync but also add blinks, smiles and eyebrow movement for expression. You can use the MP editor for reference but also export animation of complete faces doing the actions
Thanks. I will check that out. It sounds a little over kill for me though. Basically i have smiley characters, and i just want them to blink and maybe mouth expressions depending on what they are doing. Right now i have them blinking, but its in 10 frames and i'm using Illustrator so its a pain.
instead of using an animtaion you can just have a timer every 4 seconds change image to the image of the eyes closed
then make a rule when attribute self image is (exact name of image).png, timer after .5 seconds run to completion checked, change image to image of the eyes open
you can even throw some random expression into the timers to randomize when he blinks
If you are doing a lot of expressions and any lip-syncing I suggest you have a look at Magpie and Magpie pro. NOt only can you lipsync but also add blinks, smiles and eyebrow movement for expression. You can use the MP editor for reference but also export animation of complete faces doing the actions
then make a rule when attribute self image is (exact name of image).png, timer after .5 seconds run to completion checked, change image to image of the eyes open
you can even throw some random expression into the timers to randomize when he blinks
hope that helps