It actually has to be over $150.. when you get a financial report they should deposit your money no later than 45 days after.. But they usually make the deposit once a month if you meet the payment requirements.
Weswog said: Actually there is no requirements anymore they just pay you the money you earn
Cheers, Weswog
how do you know when you get the money deposited? and do you have to do something on order for them to send the money or is it automatic. If you have a website source that would be helpful.
Moneys automatically deposited on the next scheduled payment date in iTunes connect. And no apple won't send you a email when they pay. Way u can do though is if you have online banking set up a email notifavtion for your direct deposits , then your bank will email you when it goes threw.
There's all the info you need on the developers site
JohnPapiomitis said: Moneys automatically deposited on the next scheduled payment date in iTunes connect. And no apple won't send you a email when they pay. Way u can do though is if you have online banking set up a email notifavtion for your direct deposits , then your bank will email you when it goes threw.
There's all the info you need on the developers site
Since when you don't need to reach the $150 mark? I made bout 80 bucks on march and apple didn't pay me. Also I havent received the financial report for april and I made about 100 bucks.. Did any of you got the financial report for April yet?
weird this is what it says on itunes connect in the FAQ for payments and financial reports
Why didn't I get paid? What are the requirements?
Payments are made within 45 days of calendar month end if both of the following conditions are met:
* All documentation is complete, including any required banking and tax information. * The payment threshold of USD $150 has been exceeded.
If you have not received a payment for a given month within 45 days after the end of the month, please confirm that all documentation has been completed and provided. Also, please confirm that the cumulative amount owed exceeds USD $150 by converting reported amounts using current exchange rates.
i am really confused now? its been way over a month since i received the first finical report and still no money in bank account, where does it tell you if money has been transferred to the bank account??
Like this page please!
Cheers, Weswog
... Never mind. My question is answered.
Lump Apps and My Assets
There's all the info you need on the developers site
Game Making Service
Sketch to Vector Service
"Power Orb" Style Template
Targeting System Template
Why didn't I get paid? What are the requirements?
Payments are made within 45 days of calendar month end if both of the following conditions are met:
* All documentation is complete, including any required banking and tax information.
* The payment threshold of USD $150 has been exceeded.
If you have not received a payment for a given month within 45 days after the end of the month, please confirm that all documentation has been completed and provided. Also, please confirm that the cumulative amount owed exceeds USD $150 by converting reported amounts using current exchange rates.
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Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left