So my first Gamesalad game has been released! You can view the trailer here:

And here is the link to the itunes store:
It features retro 8-bit style graphics and music. I have spent a good deal of time on it and would love to get some feedback!

And here is the link to the itunes store:
It features retro 8-bit style graphics and music. I have spent a good deal of time on it and would love to get some feedback!
Good Luck.
Project Help from Tenrdrmer Click Here
GS BubbleBall Template HERE!!
Stacks Level Selection Template HERE!!
Expanding Option Menu Template HERE!!
Tenrdrmer's Menu # 3 HERE!!
Menu #4 - Level Banners HERE!!
AppSolute Entertainment on Facebook
AppSolute Entertainment on iTunes
Also one more code up for grabs!