can some one publish my game with his provisioning profile?

arkonllfarkonllf Member Posts: 118
i am developing a new game with gamesalad, and in the future i will want to upload it to the app store, but the problem is it cost 99$.
soo i was wondering if some one with an existing profile could publish my game for me.


  • steve86steve86 Member Posts: 806
    I would be careful with who you do that. Cause if someone publish a game for you, you are practically giving your work away and is his now. You wont be able to see sales #'s unless he sends them to you.. I dont know if this is even legal but if it is I would pick someone I really trust
  • arkonllfarkonllf Member Posts: 118
    i want to put the game on the app store for free...
    i dont really want to make money out off it cause that would be a problem like you said
  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352
    The problem is as well that your game is then going to show up on someone else inventory of games in itunes, and linked to all their other games. Unless your game is really good then it could also work against whoever publishes it as customers will assume it is their game.

    Really there is no way to publish for free I'm afraid. The best you might hope for is that someone builds it as an adhoc build for your own device to run, but needs someone with enough time and charitable spirit.
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    I would be willing to do so if it's a great game. On there for free etc.

    Only reason being because i'm only about to release my first game and i've promised myself to only release games i'm 100% happy with.
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  • ccpccp Member Posts: 139
    Arkonllf, I have a dev. account, and would be glad to post your app. Just send me the gamesalad file, and I will upload the game for you...I will price it accordingly.

    My email is [email protected]

    For any one else that would like to do this, you may do the same!

    It helps me, because I get publicity, and make a little money from it. And it helps you, because you get to see you game in the app store!
  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    I'd love to publish your app, because if it is good, it would provide publicity for my others. I would do it for free. If the app has problems, I expect you to work on it though. My email is [email protected] I can get it up ASAP
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