PaperAirplane! and PaperAirplane! 2 are now on Sale! (PROMO CODE CHALLENGE!)

xarmianxarmian Member Posts: 124
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
I can't change the topic of my other post, or change the original post, so check out the screen shots here (sorry I realize this wasn't true, for some reason I didn't see the edit link before):

Then go download PaperAirplane! here:
And PaperAirplane! 2 here:

And watch the video of the game in action:

Tell me what you think, leave reviews, etc. Thanks.

I am giving promo codes for PaperAirplane! 2 to the first 15 people that unlock and get all 3 stars on all 28 levels of PaperAirplane! (that's all 25 regular levels plus the 3 bonus levels). How to submit:

1. Unlock and get 3 paper clips on every level
2. Take a screen shot (Home + Power button) or take a picture, of the Level Select screen showing all the levels/stars.
3. E-Mail your screen shot or image to [email protected]
4. You will get a return email within a few hours (or so.. it's just me, so give me some time) with your Promo Code to PaperAirplane! 2.



  • AddictiveGamesAddictiveGames Member Posts: 105
    Airplane2 is free too!! ...shouldnt it be 99c???
  • xarmianxarmian Member Posts: 124
    Hah yup, it was a mistake for a few minutes. I started it as free accidentally and fixed it a few minutes later, so apple started it as free but it's fixed now. If you got in on it free then more power to you. My gift to the early adopters! (just make sure to leave a review!!)
  • xarmianxarmian Member Posts: 124
    I just released (well, just was approved by Apple) an update for both games to attend to reviewer feedback. I had some people knock it for the graphics.. unfortunately I am not an artist, but I did my best to do some overall graphic improvements in both versions. I also added sound effects (am I the only person in the world that keeps iOS games muted unless the sound is actually important to the game?) and other more minor changes.

    I also decided to modify how iAds are displayed in the free version. I had them only displaying between levels and on the menu screens but was making literally pennies as a result with very little conversion rate. I changed iAds to stay on-screen during actual play but without interrupting gameplay.

    If you've taken the plunge please let me know what you think. Community feedback is always appreciated.
  • xarmianxarmian Member Posts: 124
    Both versions of the game with Game Center just got finished being approved by Apple and are now available.
  • kapserkapser Member Posts: 458
    Reminds me of the old classic game glider, loved that game :)

    Maybe if you make a sequel you could incorporate the air fans or wind that veriate your trajectory :)

    looks cool!
  • xarmianxarmian Member Posts: 124
    kapser, that's an excellent idea. I appreciate the suggestion and will definitely do that.
  • JamieOneilJamieOneil Member Posts: 877
    I'll Look at this later! :)
    GameCenter should be good with this!


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