Lightspeed Racer! -my GameSalad/Macworld entry
tell me what you think about it, would have put new save features, but is useless on web games. It's my entry, and music and stuff is all made by me.
tell me what you think about it, would have put new save features, but is useless on web games. It's my entry, and music and stuff is all made by me.
Like all your games, they seem to have a very unique style, which I really enjoy!
A couple of ideas, if you'll indulge me!
1. Put the fastest lap on the Main Menu screen
2. Consider putting small 'speed up' and 'slow down' areas on the track. This way players will try and run over the speed up areas to beat their times, and avoid the slow down areas. Think WipeOut
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
2. I completly forgot making speed boosters. Gonna start after a nap.
Checking out your game now, ktfright. Right after I download the update
Your game was pretty cool, I will say at times I lost track of which way the ship was facing- it didn't seem very clear when I would overly turn occasionally. And where the effects just the result of additive blending? I haven't played around with those yet.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
@Quantumsheep,i played with the 3,2,1,go, but it was buggy when or if someone tried to pause the game before it hit go. I just left it as a a certain time, and then go. Also, for a weird reason, on the iphone, there is a delay, so i had to do it like that. i can put a countdown sequence, but then i have to not add pause to the game because when i pause the game, the racer doesn't stop on a dime.
Make a variable called 'Countdown'
When you reach GO! make Countdown = False
You could then put a small rule in the Pause button so that it only spawns when countdown is FALSE (it reaches GO!).
Just a thought
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I'm also having a problem of making and keeping high scores for this game, but I'm thinking of taking it out completely, until there is a better way and is less of a headache. I have it working for aSa, but not for this.
Alternatively, put in a strip near the start of the race that recharges energy. A bit like F-Zero or, again, Wipeout!
I'm really loving it so far though mate - top stuff
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
i also had a fantastic game ready.
are we sure people outside the us cant participate?