FOR NO REASON, in May they will be releasing a tiki party with tiki girls...
in June AND July GS and the sous chefs will invite a few exclusive members to plot the invasion of ROVIO, the makers of Angry Birds.
August ofcourse is a pool part at JohnPapiomitis' house. John will be providing the beer and kegs, but i hear that Portyman and MagoNicolas are also bringing in dancing girls....
thats it for now, i will be updating u guys as soon as i get news. or visit
tenrdrmer said: baby steps grasshopper. LeaderBoards would be a huge step in the right direction and we should show some appreciation if they get it to us at all.
___________________________________________________________________________________ GS BubbleBall Template HERE!! Stacks Level Selection Template HERE!! Expanding Option Menu Template HERE!! Tenrdrmer's Menu # 3 HERE!!
At this point I would be happy just to get a fake game center icon, with a link to a fake game center server, with a fake made up leader board....the users won't know the difference....
FOR NO REASON, in May they will be releasing a tiki party with tiki girls...
in June AND July GS and the sous chefs will invite a few exclusive members to plot the invasion of ROVIO, the makers of Angry Birds.
August ofcourse is a pool part at JohnPapiomitis' house. John will be providing the beer and kegs, but i hear that Portyman and MagoNicolas are also bringing in dancing girls....
thats it for now, i will be updating u guys as soon as i get news. or visit
Is there an app for that?
remember next update will have gamecenter but maybe only for leaderboards... which would suck... achievements plz!! (god i hope i'm wrong)
Much like gamesalad, they are also drag and drop....
GS BubbleBall Template HERE!!
Stacks Level Selection Template HERE!!
Expanding Option Menu Template HERE!!
Tenrdrmer's Menu # 3 HERE!!
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