What are the most succseful / complex games made in GS

as it says what have been the most succseful (in the app store) games made in GS
what are some of the most complex games youve seen made in GS ?
what are some of the most complex games youve seen made in GS ?
--- minicannon
--- Saucer 44
--- Bumps
--- Secret of grisly manor
--- air supply
--- Sketch ball
--- Gravonaut
--- Attack of the kraken
--- max vector
--- star daze hd
--- running wild
--- red balls of goo
--- tigerfish
--- stunt squirrels
--- danger cats
--- many of scitunes' are great
These are just the ones that pop into my mind. there are many more.
Any ideas what the $3 million dollar game salad made app is?
I started researching it, using App Annie. A time-frame was suggested. I think it was like last summer. I started looking at the top apps, eliminating ones that could not be made with GameSalad. It was too tedious of a research project, so I abandoned it. I posted my preliminary results though. Heh, I don't know which thread though.
So, that's some additional information. Maybe the GameSalad community could track it down. Divide up the months to volunteers, then share the information.