I had a go on one yesterday and so very nearly went down the store at 11.30 pm to queue up but alas i didn't.
Pilot wings (the game i played) looked bloody amazing and i was surprised that the buildings were 3d (i thought they would be 2d like cardboard or something).
If i get one i would get monkey ball and pilot wings.
I got a copy of wii metal slug anthology from ebay yesterday (big metal slug fans here) but not had time to play it yet and that's the main reason for not getting a 3ds...I'm always on the mac and have very little if any chill time....I'm very impressed by it though.
I have two DS (for KORG DS-10 synth!) and a DSi But now I'm really into iOS apps (and making them!) which seem to fill the "casual games" and portable apps niche as well so it probably isn't worth the expense to me.
And not in 'normal' mode either! It has a snazzy, almost 'over the shoulder' mode, which gives a really breathtaking view of the action (and is still incredibly playable!)
I love the way the camera pans up when an enemy jumps towards you - it's almost as if you're seeing it from your fighters p.o.v. - and it's totally cinematic, dramatic, and brilliantly done.
In fact, the whole package is well put together. It's my favourite version of Street Fighter IV
Cap said: As a Nintendo video game nerd I'm of course interested in any new hardware from Nintendo. But I never owned a DS, and I doubt that I'll buy a 3DS. Most people I talked to told me that the 3D effect works, but isn't really perfect because of the narrow sweet-spot. And the rest of the technology in Nintendo hardware is -as always- not really revolutionary, maybe even terrible (cameras).
You missed out on some great games, I feel. The original DS had some of the most fun moments for me, over and above what the home consoles could produce on some occasions!
The 3D effect *does* work. Well, for me, anyway. I'd urge you to try it out in a store or something!
I don't think the tech has ever been important to Nintendo. It's more 'innovation' first for them I think. And they still manage to make the best games in the world in my opinion.
And the iPad 2 isn't exactly being praised for its cameras either
Cap said: I found it very, very funny to listen to Iwata and Reggie Fils-Aimé in the last months. On every keynote they shouted something like "content is king" to make sure $45 Nintendo 3DS games have more value than $0.99 iPhone titles. What I don't understand is: why is Pilotwings Resort so limited than? It's only one location, which is a total copy of Wuhu Island (Wii Sports Resort). No online or local multiplayer. No online leaderboards. No downloads. No new locations. No achievements. Can be played through in an afternoon... It's sad, because I really liked the SNES original.
Well, I can understand their position. I don't think they really have anything to worry about, if sales figures of the latest Pokemon games are anything to go by.
Additionally, I think that both iPhone games and other portables (3DS/Next gen PSP) can co-exist. As I mentioned, I think the 3DS version of Street Fighter is the best of the bunch. And yes I got the iPhone version, but it just didn't work for me. As in, I couldn't get into it at all.
The iPhone version was selling for $.99 about a week or two ago, and it's a steal at that price. But it's still not as good as the 3DS version in my opinion (having played both).
Darren's comment under your own suggests he really liked the look of Pilotwings - I haven't played it at all, so couldn't comment! It does look lovely in the videos I've seen though!
Cap said: I'm happy to own a Wii, but -to be honest- the support is horrible. Even though it's the most successful console, there aren't any new channels or updates coming. Most Wii games are pure crap.
Most games on every system are pure crap. One of my favourite quotes from my games journo days, in relation to the original PlayStation was "5% of the games released make 95% of the money"
I hadn't played on my Wii for over a year before I bought Sin and Punishment 2. Nothing really appealed to me for quite some time, as you can probably tell! But then, making games has taken up all my time, and I tend to play games on my iphone - cos, you know, they're fun. And it's 'research'
Cap said: I may getting one though if there'll be a bundle with Mario Kart 3DS or Paper Mario 3D. Except those two games, only Kid Icarus may be interesting to me.
So there are at least three games that might sway you - cool! You really need to try it and see if you like it. Or you could wait for the inevitable redesign a la Apple
I bought it because I wanted to see something new - 3D without glasses. It works. It really does. And I'm happy with it!
Others might dismiss it as a gimmick, or a toy. And that's fine. I just know that I've been grinning like an idiot since I bought it (not slept!) and it's wonderful to take a break from all the iOS games I've been playing for the last year!
I honestly did'nt care much about getting one but this thread and the sheeps happiness may have changed that. I've always been intrigued by the 3d without glasses idea. Maybe I'll go check it out instore...though I bet there will be one hell of a crowd for the next year round each demo device like the ipad 2010.
quantumsheep said: You missed out on some great games, I feel. The original DS had some of the most fun moments for me, over and above what the home consoles could produce on some occasions!
Well, I sure do know that I missed the "Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney" series. Picked the original recently on the App Store for 99 cents. Oh my god, that was awesome. I really wish I could play the whole series. Moreover there may be the Professor Layton series that could be interesting to me. And Mario Kart DS, that's for sure.
quantumsheep said:The 3D effect *does* work. Well, for me, anyway. I'd urge you to try it out in a store or something!
Well, what I heard a lot is summed up here in a good way (under "The 3D effect"): http://features.metacritic.com/features/2011/hardware-review-nintendo-3ds/ That's why I have the feeling that the whole 3D thing isn't really as good as it could be. But it was a smart move by Nintendo for sure to sell their new DS and stick out from the competitors. "
quantumsheep said: I don't think the tech has ever been important to Nintendo. It's more 'innovation' first for them I think. And they still manage to make the best games in the world in my opinion.
Yeah, I also do think so. I only bought Nintendo consoles in my whole life (if I'm right, I never even played on a PlayStation or XBox *shocking*). Owned every Nintendo console except the GameCube. They weren't really ahead of their time like the Dreamcast was, for example. But they were mostly very successfull. And yeah, I love Nintendo for Mario Kart, Paper Mario, Mario Galaxy and so on... But I still think they're way to conservative in structural things. You can clearly see that as an iDevice owner. ;-)
quantumsheep said:Additionally, I think that both iPhone games and other portables (3DS/Next gen PSP) can co-exist.
Of course, I also do think so. But to be honest my iPod Touch and iPhone prevented me from buying a Nintendo DS in the past. I just didn't feel the need to buy a pure gaming device anymore. Well, I'll probably wait and see if there will be a bundle with Mario Kart 3DS, but I doubt it will come out this year. Moreover at the moment I'm not sure if I really want to spend the next 200 bucks on a device that has no apple on the shell. ;-)
But it's great to hear you have so much fun with it. I'm also on a Nintendo forum, and feelings are kind of mixed. But most users are happy with it, too. :-)
I can't wait for Paper Mario and all the Nintendo titles that are coming... Paper Mario looked superb at E3, as did the other games demo'd.
The greatest part is that they will be re-releasing all the gameboy and GBA titles in the Nintendo Store right? That should be awesome!
Streaming Netflix movies in 3D is another added bonus!
I agree on the DS comment.. DS had some amazing games and if you missed out on niche games like Rhythm Heaven which was a complete blast to play, it's a shame!
Also, to dismiss any Nintendo product as a "gimmick" is silly IMO.. everyone said the Wii would be too gimmicky and never catch on, and look how many units it went on to sell, and how many spawns of the "Wii remote" we see now with PS3 and Kinect. Nintendo got it right with the Wii after the failure of N64, and Gamecube, although I love every Nintendo system ever released
butterbean said: Also, to dismiss any Nintendo product as a "gimmick" is silly IMO.. everyone said the Wii would be too gimmicky and never catch on, and look how many units it went on to sell, and how many spawns of the "Wii remote" we see now with PS3 and Kinect. Nintendo got it right with the Wii after the failure of N64, and Gamecube, although I love every Nintendo system ever released
I read an analyst quote recently. The analyst was asked 'Can Nintendo replicate the success of the DS - i.e. sell more than 140 million consoles - with the 3DS'
The analyst answered in two parts.
Part 1: With the rise of mobile phones and social games on facebook etc, the landscape has changed since the launch of the original DS. So he felt it unlikely that the 3DS would be able to replicate the original machine's succes.
Part 2: Never bet against Nintendo.
I quite liked that
@Butterbean - have you got yours yet? I thought you were getting one today?
There's a nice feature built in which tracks how much you move around in steps. It then awards you a point every 100 steps you take with the machine in sleep mode.
You can then use those points in certain games to unlock stuff.
Very simple concept, but it's already got me carrying my 3DS around with me wherever I go (which you'd expect as it's a portable!).
Anyway, still enjoying it! Sat in the car today and played Ridge Racer! I evidently like driving!
@QS: I LOVE what he said about never betting against Nintendo... they truly are in a league of their own
Also, here's another cool fact: the Nintendo 3DS is the most preordered system on Amazon...EVER... I don't think Nintendo handhelds are going anywhere atm
@QS: Also, I didn't know about that feature on racking up points in sleep mode!! That is spectacular! I'll be carrying my DS around in sleep mode more often now just to rack up points Would be cool if they let you use those points towards purchases in the 3DS store... one could only dream
After reading some reviews i decided to pass for now.
One of my all time fav games was Monkey Ball on the gamecube...a bloody challenge and a half i can tell you...i got it on the Wii when it 1st came out and completed it within hours...far far far to easy.
I read a review today for Monkey Ball on 3DS and it seems they made it way to easy again..strike one against a 3DS.
I was also looking forward to pilot wings (played it in the shops looked ace) but again after reading there's only one level/world it was strike 2 against buying one.
Street fighter not really into beat em ups.
Love racing games but ridge racer is so old now and im sure even the 3D elements wouldnt hold my attention for to long.
I haven't ruled out getting one but i will wait and see what the games are like in a month or so.
utopiangames said: After reading some reviews i decided to pass for now.
One of my all time fav games was Monkey Ball on the gamecube...a bloody challenge and a half i can tell you...i got it on the Wii when it 1st came out and completed it within hours...far far far to easy.
I still play my gamecube to this day haha. I LOVE all of the games I have. super smash, monkey ball, mario kart double dash, ssx tricky, ect. I have many more. but the gamecube, next to xbox, is my all time fav game system.
utopiangames said: SSX wow we played that to death on PS2...bloody great game that one.
I couldn't stop playing it. I beat the game so many times. I unlocked all the boards for simon or psyman Idk how they spelt it in that game. and all the other characters and all the skins. I loved that game. I didn't like the sequel though with mario. wasnt as good to me.
I know this doesn't really belong here but just wanted to let everybody know that the DS 3D went on sale this morning and its totally AWESOME. This could be a reason for slow iPhone/iPad games sales today. And check out the "Announce your Game" section on this site. There are plenty of free Promo codes for the newly released Snake Pit available. http://gamesalad.com/forums/forum.php?id=10
Is this really necessary in the main forum? If everyone took to posting a plug for their own games all the time disguised as small snippets of tech news that everyone already knows then it would start to get a little bit tedious.
I hear that OS X Lion has nearly reached golden master state today ...... buy my game.
Went to the midnight launch of the 3DS, and it was packed! The line was out the door I was 2nd from front, grabbed my stuff and went home
Needless to say, it is a very "magical" device, and I can't wait to spend today playing through all the games. Ridge Racer looked superb in 3D, and loved playing those old tracks again with this device!
I can't wait for the 3DS store to open up too so we can buy all those old GB and GBA games!
@QS: I was telling the guys waiting in line last night that my friend from the UK was taunting me b/c he got his 3DS before us! :P They said people from work were doing the same thing that preordered from Japan lol Too bad it's region locked though!
Pilot wings (the game i played) looked bloody amazing and i was surprised that the buildings were 3d (i thought they would be 2d like cardboard or something).
If i get one i would get monkey ball and pilot wings.
I got a copy of wii metal slug anthology from ebay yesterday (big metal slug fans here) but not had time to play it yet and that's the main reason for not getting a 3ds...I'm always on the mac and have very little if any chill time....I'm very impressed by it though.
I have two DS (for KORG DS-10 synth!) and a DSi
But now I'm really into iOS apps (and making them!)
which seem to fill the "casual games" and portable apps niche as well
so it probably isn't worth the expense to me.
And not in 'normal' mode either! It has a snazzy, almost 'over the shoulder' mode, which gives a really breathtaking view of the action (and is still incredibly playable!)
I love the way the camera pans up when an enemy jumps towards you - it's almost as if you're seeing it from your fighters p.o.v. - and it's totally cinematic, dramatic, and brilliantly done.
In fact, the whole package is well put together. It's my favourite version of Street Fighter IV
The 3D effect *does* work. Well, for me, anyway. I'd urge you to try it out in a store or something!
I don't think the tech has ever been important to Nintendo. It's more 'innovation' first for them I think. And they still manage to make the best games in the world in my opinion.
And the iPad 2 isn't exactly being praised for its cameras either
Additionally, I think that both iPhone games and other portables (3DS/Next gen PSP) can co-exist. As I mentioned, I think the 3DS version of Street Fighter is the best of the bunch. And yes I got the iPhone version, but it just didn't work for me. As in, I couldn't get into it at all.
The iPhone version was selling for $.99 about a week or two ago, and it's a steal at that price. But it's still not as good as the 3DS version in my opinion (having played both).
Darren's comment under your own suggests he really liked the look of Pilotwings - I haven't played it at all, so couldn't comment! It does look lovely in the videos I've seen though! Most games on every system are pure crap. One of my favourite quotes from my games journo days, in relation to the original PlayStation was "5% of the games released make 95% of the money"
I hadn't played on my Wii for over a year before I bought Sin and Punishment 2. Nothing really appealed to me for quite some time, as you can probably tell! But then, making games has taken up all my time, and I tend to play games on my iphone - cos, you know, they're fun. And it's 'research'
I bought it because I wanted to see something new - 3D without glasses. It works. It really does. And I'm happy with it!
Others might dismiss it as a gimmick, or a toy. And that's fine. I just know that I've been grinning like an idiot since I bought it (not slept!) and it's wonderful to take a break from all the iOS games I've been playing for the last year!
Thanks for the interesting post, and for reading!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
you really made me want one now!
down the back of the sofa???
Moreover there may be the Professor Layton series that could be interesting to me. And Mario Kart DS, that's for sure. Well, what I heard a lot is summed up here in a good way (under "The 3D effect"):
That's why I have the feeling that the whole 3D thing isn't really as good as it could be. But it was a smart move by Nintendo for sure to sell their new DS and stick out from the competitors.
" Yeah, I also do think so. I only bought Nintendo consoles in my whole life (if I'm right, I never even played on a PlayStation or XBox *shocking*). Owned every Nintendo console except the GameCube. They weren't really ahead of their time like the Dreamcast was, for example. But they were mostly very successfull.
And yeah, I love Nintendo for Mario Kart, Paper Mario, Mario Galaxy and so on... But I still think they're way to conservative in structural things. You can clearly see that as an iDevice owner. ;-) Of course, I also do think so. But to be honest my iPod Touch and iPhone prevented me from buying a Nintendo DS in the past. I just didn't feel the need to buy a pure gaming device anymore. Well, I'll probably wait and see if there will be a bundle with Mario Kart 3DS, but I doubt it will come out this year. Moreover at the moment I'm not sure if I really want to spend the next 200 bucks on a device that has no apple on the shell. ;-)
But it's great to hear you have so much fun with it. I'm also on a Nintendo forum, and feelings are kind of mixed. But most users are happy with it, too. :-)
The greatest part is that they will be re-releasing all the gameboy and GBA titles in the Nintendo Store right? That should be awesome!
Streaming Netflix movies in 3D is another added bonus!
I agree on the DS comment.. DS had some amazing games and if you missed out on niche games like Rhythm Heaven which was a complete blast to play, it's a shame!
Also, to dismiss any Nintendo product as a "gimmick" is silly IMO.. everyone said the Wii would be too gimmicky and never catch on, and look how many units it went on to sell, and how many spawns of the "Wii remote" we see now with PS3 and Kinect. Nintendo got it right with the Wii after the failure of N64, and Gamecube, although I love every Nintendo system ever released
The analyst answered in two parts.
Part 1: With the rise of mobile phones and social games on facebook etc, the landscape has changed since the launch of the original DS. So he felt it unlikely that the 3DS would be able to replicate the original machine's succes.
Part 2: Never bet against Nintendo.
I quite liked that
@Butterbean - have you got yours yet? I thought you were getting one today?
There's a nice feature built in which tracks how much you move around in steps. It then awards you a point every 100 steps you take with the machine in sleep mode.
You can then use those points in certain games to unlock stuff.
Very simple concept, but it's already got me carrying my 3DS around with me wherever I go (which you'd expect as it's a portable!).
Anyway, still enjoying it! Sat in the car today and played Ridge Racer! I evidently like driving!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
might have to Ebay my ds-lite and my Dingoo-a320
Also, here's another cool fact: the Nintendo 3DS is the most preordered system on Amazon...EVER... I don't think Nintendo handhelds are going anywhere atm
@QS: Also, I didn't know about that feature on racking up points in sleep mode!! That is spectacular! I'll be carrying my DS around in sleep mode more often now just to rack up points
One of my all time fav games was Monkey Ball on the gamecube...a bloody challenge and a half i can tell you...i got it on the Wii when it 1st came out and completed it within hours...far far far to easy.
I read a review today for Monkey Ball on 3DS and it seems they made it way to easy again..strike one against a 3DS.
I was also looking forward to pilot wings (played it in the shops looked ace) but again after reading there's only one level/world it was strike 2 against buying one.
Street fighter not really into beat em ups.
Love racing games but ridge racer is so old now and im sure even the 3D elements wouldnt hold my attention for to long.
I haven't ruled out getting one but i will wait and see what the games are like in a month or so.
This could be a reason for slow iPhone/iPad games sales today.
And check out the "Announce your Game" section on this site.
There are plenty of free Promo codes for the newly released Snake Pit
Snake Pit 2.0 is out now!!!
I hear that OS X Lion has nearly reached golden master state today ...... buy my game.
**hehe, now this makes no sense**
I agree ... I am sorry.
Wan't happend again.
And when Steve Jobs said the iPad was "magical", I think he was secretly talking about the 3DS
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Needless to say, it is a very "magical" device, and I can't wait to spend today playing through all the games. Ridge Racer looked superb in 3D, and loved playing those old tracks again with this device!
I can't wait for the 3DS store to open up too so we can buy all those old GB and GBA games!
@QS: I was telling the guys waiting in line last night that my friend from the UK was taunting me b/c he got his 3DS before us! :P They said people from work were doing the same thing that preordered from Japan lol Too bad it's region locked though!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io