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Would be greatfull for some reviews left!
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Would be greatfull for some reviews left!
Thank you guys.
Congrats on managing to find the energy within you to just change the graphics on the 'check out our other games' screen.
And to leave everything else 'as is'.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
So I love gamemaking, I have experience in doing that but I don't have money and time to make original content right now. I'am trying the templates thing for only one reason to collect some money to make a realy good and original game but for this purpose I need to hire artists I need to hire musicians and so and so. I really have a good idea (actually a bunch of ideas) for a good game, but I'am totally noob in marketing and I don't think that even if I make a good game it will earn me some decent money to go on and cover the expenses.
Basically thats the story and reason for this all.
pretty please
If people are going to moan and be offensive about artwork being used when good money has been payed for it then it needs to be not included, or watermarked, or a strict license agreed to. The template was sold complete and Darren knows very well would not sell so well if he did not include good artwork.
Indievisio may be lazy but he has made no claims and does not deserve to be insulted.
Good to see the review process working so fast
I'm broke to, i've spent money I shouldn't have, but if my game only sells 50 copies, that means there was 50 people who liked my game or thought it was worth while, but then their is a lot of room to improve on.
If something doesn't work the first time round it only means it's just gonna take you a bit longer.
So you can't do Graphics? Me either.
But i'm getting better (it saves money)
We might not be the best this year.... but eventually something will work
Good luck with everything.
He also submitted the Sheep Stacker Template!!!
He has a game called Tower Master...
I think you could almost justify using the exact same game if you were looking to use it as a marketing opportunity, where its free to download and has the advert for your "other Games".
We all know that the Art and Sounds are there to be used but im sure even those of us with limited knowledge of GameSalad would be looking to change the Art and/or sounds to make it stand out from the overcrowd.
The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the screenshots was "dirty". And that's what it is. Dirty. Is it wrong? An interesting question.
It isn't wrong.
The graphics and audio were included with the template. Plain and simple. If they weren't then it would be wrong.
The thing is, releasing work like this will not allow success. Especially in a community like this. People work so very hard to produce games that they are proud of and hope to make money on, so when something like this comes along, it stings and it stings deep. I will elaborate on this in a moment. I would like to share where I am at first, so that you can see my perspective.
I've now put 7 weeks into my current project. 12 to 14 hours a day, with a total of 3 days off. I've done all of the graphics, programming, music/sfx, concept, everything. I switched my sleep schedule around so that I can work without anyone attempting to communicate with me. I wake up at 4 PM and go to sleep around 8AM, sometimes later. I've put aside going to grad school, and moved back in with my parents for a few more months to spend the money I would normally spend on rent, on anything I may need to get this game, and the next ones I work on, at a standard that I can accept as being my own.
There is a difference from what this indievisio person is doing, and what the hard working creators are doing, and in the long run, heck, even in the medium run the hard work and creative nature will bring about more success than purchasing a template and releasing it as is.
Unfortunately what he did was not wrong. He purchased the materials, and he didn't HAVE to do anything to any of it to make it "his own".
However, what he did will not bring him the money he hopes for. The fact that he announced the game on the GS forums amazes me, but it shows the mindset at work. This guy is a drop in the bucket. Nothing but a drop in the bucket. Want to become successful? Make a new bucket.
This guy's game won't take away from anyone else's game made from the same template. As long as you work to make it your own, no one will ever draw comparisons. "His" games will fall into the abyss, like many before them.
Don't let this kind of thing discourage any of you. It's dirty. It's pathetic. But it's on the up and up.
I feel gross writing that, but it is what it is.
I look forward to seeing the creations you all make. This experience is a blip on the radar. Right at the edge.
Best of luck to the creators out there!
To Those that Sell Templates:
Thanks again for putting the effort into creating them; I love them and I 100% you should have the marketplace to sell them. I would like to voice a thought that would see you limit the usage on the images to personal or educational use only. At least it would put a damper on this kind of crap.
Again thank you all for your support, I know I did a bad thing which In wouldn't ever do If I had some good response on my first game, but oh well.
I don't think I would ever buy a template after seeing how people treat them as a free handout. Why should I buy something and work hard trying to make it my own, only to have it come out after someone's ripoff attempt and make my game seem like a clone?
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