Congrats Sparky!! Super Stack Attack is on N&N!!



  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    So.. looks like our week of being in the N&N games front page is over.
    We are still there if you hit "show all" in itunes, and obviously on the phone list...but lower down the list.

    Sales have been fairly steady at between 80 and 120 per day. I expect they will drop off a lot from now though.

    We have a lite version submitted, which is frustratingly still waiting for review, but with a good headwind, hopefully that will do the job of getting the game in the eye-line again (if we can get enough downloads with it being free)
    I'm hoping, just from the casual look of the game/icon/screens, that it's possibly it could sustain some decent free download numbers......with any luck.

    This has been by far the best thing we have worked on from a polish/finish point of view, and we already have our first and second major updates in the works with new challenges (or episodes as we have now re-named them).

    each episode will feature a different style of gameplay.
    The first one is still all about stacking...but with a slight twist
    The second more different.
    More details to follow though once things are ready for release.

    I'm also quite pleased by the amount of press coverage we got on review sites and blogs etc

    Thanks again for all the kind words, help, encouragement over the past few weeks. It's always very much appreciated.

  • iTouchGameriTouchGamer Member Posts: 681
    Hey sparky, congrats!! Could you please email me at [email protected]

    I have some questions for you. Oh and sorry for hijacking the thread haha
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    email sent. :)
  • rlehmrlehm Member Posts: 320
    Congrats. Very polished app. Puts my stacking attempt to shame.
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