Chalk Breakout - PromoCodes

AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
This is my first app on GS "woohooo" and it just got approved early this morning.


Promo Codes:

Please state which you use and dont forget to leave a review on the itunes :)

Kindly email me for those who wants some more codes.

[email protected]

Kinda excited now for my next few games that i have in my line up.

Thanks for all of you guys here in GS forum.



  • outasiteoutasite Member Posts: 417
    i took: WEKYW74YWKK6

    Downloaded it, and rated it 5 stars to try and help out. Ran it on my 2nd gen touch and it was a bit glitchy. I asume it was from all of the animations. Don't get me wrong though they are cool, and the game is fun. A little brick breaker never hurts anyone. Just thought I share it.

    I do not know how you have the graphics set up, but maybe see if you can optimize them a bit more? Or only have thing animate as they do when interacted with? Again only trying through ideas out there.

    Let me know how your numbers go. (Downloads that is)
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    Actually i understand you, the thing is i never have chance to try it on lower gen devices (i only have 3gs and iPhone 4) and i didn't know how those animation will affect FPS on lower gen devices. I actually have first gen iPod but i dont know why i cant sync gamesalad with it. Anyway my next update which is 1.20 will include additional levels and a bit of optimization (probably removing some un-needed animation). Thanks for the rate and honest review.
  • JoeMeisterJoeMeister Member Posts: 602
    I took code:

    and gave you a five star rating.

    Good Luck
  • blenderartistblenderartist Member Posts: 32
    took M4LPWJX6YWEY i have a 2nd gen iphone, ill tell you how fast it is on it.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    7WRJK3T7JH36 looks very good :)
  • blenderartistblenderartist Member Posts: 32
    Ok, I ran it on my iPhone, and it ran kind of glitchy.
    The app would frese for a 1/2 a second then resume for 2 seconds.
    You should have a setting that let's you toggle the anima tions for slower divised.
    I'll give you a good rating in the app store, it's the best game of this style I've ever played, besides the lag.

    I also like the graphics.
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    @Joe - Thanks for the great review.
    @BlenderArtist - Noted and Thanks man i really appreciate it.
    @Rob2 - Thank you.
  • BlazingApplicationsBlazingApplications Member Posts: 340
    How do you do those screen shots w/ the iPhone 4?
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    Its actually customized. I used photoshop to arrange those images.
  • BlazingApplicationsBlazingApplications Member Posts: 340
    That sweet man, it looks great!
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    Thanks. :)
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    My game just got feature on Arcade and Puzzle section. Please lend me some support and rate my game. I''m already 60% on my update and target to upload it this weekend. Update includes:

    *Additional setting to turn off some animation for faster FPS on older device.
    *fix some minor bugs and glitches by adding timers on some codes.
    *additional Level
    *2 more color themes Pink & Orange.

    Thanks guys.
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