Helicopters in Space! - Promo Codes

Hi everyone,
My first App, Helicopters in Space!, is now on the App store! I am very excited!
Here are some Promo Codes
If you like the game, please rate and review it
A brief description of the game:
Helicopters in Space is an old-school early 16-bit style 2D shoot 'em up game featuring:
-5 levels
-Endless score attack mode
-Boss Battles
Any feedback and constructive criticism is VERY appreciated! Thanks!
My first App, Helicopters in Space!, is now on the App store! I am very excited!
Here are some Promo Codes
If you like the game, please rate and review it
A brief description of the game:
Helicopters in Space is an old-school early 16-bit style 2D shoot 'em up game featuring:
-5 levels
-Endless score attack mode
-Boss Battles
Any feedback and constructive criticism is VERY appreciated! Thanks!
Gained +10 HP!
Congrats on your first game on store.
Any feedback?
Looks very entertaining.. congratulations..
the only suggestion I got is in the up and down and fire buttons make higher resolutions icons so it doesn't look like a low res pixeleated icon.. Other than that the graphics and music are pretty great. Just left my review on itunes
: )
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Also ozboy, thanks for making your Facebook page!
Sorry for the late reply to, my internet crashed....
Not to bad, it's pretty retro.
I think it's starts off to hard and you get to powerful to soon if you last long enough, I find I can just spam across the top most of the time and I kick ass.
The Graphics are sort of basic (in a sense) but I think thats sort of feel you're trying to give it? I noticed some of the enemies are very blurry.
When you unlock all those cool weapons and you goto the next level and you don't have them anymore it's sort of a buzz kill to.
I noticed the missles/lasers you fire spawn from the back of the helicopter. You know you can set them up so they spawn in x +24 of helicopter, so it looks like it's firing from a certain point.
It's a pretty cool little game but I think it needs some fine tuning.
Also maybe throw some planets in the every new level or something, the backgrounds are all pretty much the same and leaves you feeling like you're not really going anywhere.
The game definitely has that addictive little buzz to it though,
Hope that helps
Congratulations on the release!
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Balancing the power-ups is certainly a good recommendation.
I agree with that ozboybrian said above. In addition I do have some suggestions for you.
The rockets seem no different than the lasers, the only place it see an actual affecting difference is on the boss at the end, perhaps have them explode after X amount of time, blasts can help take out more enemies. In addition to the weapons, perhaps have new weapons replace each other, so instead of collecting the other guns and being able to fire all of them at once, which I found removed the challenge, have it like any other shmup, once you collect a new gun, it replaces the current one you use.
Most annoying thing I found was control responsiveness, sometimes the buttons would not react after I gave input, thus my character not moving. Got me killed a few times. In regards to movement, I feel like the character should move all the way up and down, instead of being limited to moving no further than above the buttons, perhaps look into a tilt option for control?
Perhaps add some more graphical pzazz to the backgrounds instead of a color change.
Remember this is just my opinion on some constructive criticism. You have a solid foundation for a game and I hope you extend the life of your title with new updates that add features and fixes.
On a humorous note, someone suggested that the game be updated to have a story. Here's what they recommended:
In the future, Earth is under attack by hordes of interstellar monsters. They've already destroyed our satellites, planes and space shuttles. Our only hope is to use helicopters equipped with special technology that allows them to fly in space. Are you bad enough to pilot these helicopters in space and save the planet from aliens?
Have a great weekend all!
According to this topic, there should still be 3 Promo Codes up for grabs:
Has anyone used them yet?
You are certainly welcome to them if you do, but if I don't hear back by tomorrow morning, I'll be posting them on other forums.
Thanks again to everyone for their support and feedback.
Work on Helicopters in Space 1.1 is under way!
For those who are still on the fence, iViewApps has posted a review of the game, giving it 4 out of 5 stars.
A more thorough review of the game was done by a HubsPage user here: