Preview: point & click adventure
Hi guys,
Just thought I'd show you the game I'm currently working on. It's a point and click adventure influenced by old 8bit and 16bit text adventures of the 80s and 90s (hence the on screen text descriptions). It's a puzzle solving game rather than a hunt the pixel type.
I have the first part of it up and running, but have still quite a bit to go.
The 'west of house' opening scene is my homage to the original Zork.
Thanks for looking.

Just thought I'd show you the game I'm currently working on. It's a point and click adventure influenced by old 8bit and 16bit text adventures of the 80s and 90s (hence the on screen text descriptions). It's a puzzle solving game rather than a hunt the pixel type.
I have the first part of it up and running, but have still quite a bit to go.
The 'west of house' opening scene is my homage to the original Zork.
Thanks for looking.

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Sorry for bumping this post up to the top again.
I would love a few more comments if possible. I am apprehensive about making a retro game, but I have spent quite a bit of time developing this so far.
I realize adventure games are a niche market, but this is an area I am particularly interested in (I had 2 adventure games published in the early 1990s by Zenobi Software UK).
I know it's hard to tell much from static images and I plan to get a video up on YouTube soon.
I would like to hear any comments, good or bad.
I also like the idea to make an old-school adventure game.
I have few questions for you:
- The second icon (arrow) is to go back, right? And what about the hand?
- Do you use static images and text, or there are animations? This is more like: choose an option from the text/type your own, or a more modern tap on screen?
- Could you give titles of your old games? I would like to see/play them
Good luck with your game!
Congrats for your games!
As you know we're developing an adventure game(Escape from LaVille) too and we're interested to see more screens!
I love playing good puzzle-solving games and for me, the two most important things are how it looks and the story behind the mystery. Contrived, slow-moving or non-existant plots/stories are a big turn off.
Secondary, but also important (for me), is the variety and complexity of the puzzles themselves.
From your experience of your previously published software and the screenshots you've shown, it looks like you've got all bases covered. Whether or not it will sell . . . well, that's the big app mystery!
@thegabba Thanks for the comment, and yes I know you are developing Escape from LaVilla- I've been keeping an eye on your posts. I will probably be your 1st customer!
and now I'm sending an iPad version and making the second episode).
I wish you all the best with your project! I'm adding your game to my "must have" list
@Cardinal, sorry man, but it's no more fake than a christian priest having a son
Keep it up LuckyLurcher!
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I also agree with you - didn't think any of the screenshots suggested 'fake'. (Mind you, I'm looking forward to Father Simons as well now)
I am deliberately going for an unusual graphic environment or in your words 'fake'. For instance: the puppet theatre is a real object (yes I really did construct it- it was over seven feet tall and made at art college- but now destroyed). I used a photograph of this object and placed it on background I constructed in Photoshop.
I use some animation in my game and I have mostly chosen a low frame rate on purpose. Rather than using a video camera I have shot 'live action' by using the sports setting on a Canon DSLR camera: ie. 4.6 frames per second (I think).
I am very much influenced by the stop motion animation work of Jan Svankmajer (Czech surrealist animator) whom you may have heard of. He is well worth checking out on YouTube. And the work of photographers, Gregory Crewdson (US) and Francesca Woodman (US).
I really appreciate everyones comments as ultimately I want the end user to have an enjoyable experience playing my game.
Unnatural is a super duper word!
@Cardinal - wow this video looks awesome, keep us updated.
@TheMoonwalks - will definitely buy your game when I have spare time to play it. The style reminds me of a DS game like Professor Layton, very Nintendo styling.