【ツ】ZOMBIE POND【ツ】 Now available on the Mac App Store
Hi everybody,
My latest Mac game "Zombie Pond" is finally live on the Mac App Store (16 days waiting for review).
The porting from the iPad version only took about one day. Having the original .ai files for the artwork helped a lot to avoid blurry or stretched images.
MAS description:
Being a Zombie Fish in a pond could be dangerous, even more if you're considered a tasty lunch.
The ultimate casual game with the "Just one more time" feel.
• Three entertaining game modes
• 23 achievements
• Comprehensive game statistics
• An amazing soundtrack (Kevin McLeod)
• Incredible graphics (Ian from DebugDesign)
Here's the TouchArcade thread if you want to bump it: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=86791
I have some promos left, if you have a Mac and want to give it a try email me at [email protected]

My latest Mac game "Zombie Pond" is finally live on the Mac App Store (16 days waiting for review).
The porting from the iPad version only took about one day. Having the original .ai files for the artwork helped a lot to avoid blurry or stretched images.
MAS description:
Being a Zombie Fish in a pond could be dangerous, even more if you're considered a tasty lunch.
The ultimate casual game with the "Just one more time" feel.
• Three entertaining game modes
• 23 achievements
• Comprehensive game statistics
• An amazing soundtrack (Kevin McLeod)
• Incredible graphics (Ian from DebugDesign)
Here's the TouchArcade thread if you want to bump it: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=86791
I have some promos left, if you have a Mac and want to give it a try email me at [email protected]

don't play games on my desktop very often... and now think that may be because most gfx in games can be jarring if a large size...
Congratulations and Good Luck...Great Sales to you, Mark!
I bought it...very nice..!
John Popadiuk
Complimenti per il tuo nuovo gioco!(l'avevamo già visto giorni fa sul tuo sito)
Abbiamo anche noi un gioco in canna, se ti fa piacere puoi vederlo qui:
Auguri per le vendite!
By the way it seems that the iTunes link I posted is wrong (it's the iPad one) the correct one is http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zombie-pond/id416301544?mt=12
Can a sous-chef change it? I already PM some of them but I don't know if they will read them.
Good luck with your game!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
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