@tshirt.....you can go on for as long as is physically possible really.
It goes on enough to feel endless
We have that mode.. which is basically a hi-score attack We then have a number of what we are calling "Challenges". These range from pretty easy stuff, like stacking 5...to more extreme stuff like stack 15, on a moving crate. Also got some time modes in there, and modes where the crane that holds the guys up does stuff...like moving really fast, or speeding up over time and the like.
Obviously I got the idea from Darren's template.. but the only thing we are using from that, is how the camera controls work (and I nicked a couple of the sound fx). We already had a version of the game up and running before I saw the template.
As for endless (being honest)...it's a bit of a cheat. We have it working really similar to how Darren's template works. We just made sure there are slightly more boxes available than is physically possible to have stacked without them falling (unless you had them pixel perfect...which with the crane moving left/right, and the boxes swinging, is pretty much impossible....so you get the impression it is endless.
On saying that, the way I have the boxes set up, it "should" be possible (if we were not doing the swinging thing) using a box spawner and some change atts in the prototype to rename dependent on an attribute called "which block"...which is basically just a counter.
I took darrens template and added recycled actors to make it endless..... Took some work because of the use of instances, but works great.....i have promo codes if people want to try and see what can be done..... [email protected]
tshirtbooth said: Awesome, when i publish mine ill be releasing a video to show how to get an endless stacking game. Its real cool how i did it. My best so far is 93 but i know i can do better.
ah mate. There is room for us all in the crazy world of the app store.
As for the game: It's been a bit of a labour of love for us with this one. Once the game was "finished", we then spent 2 solid weeks of 12-16 hour days and nights polishing the arse off of it. I hope that comes across when people see and play the game )
We are currently getting the PR machine rolling today. Press release being written and whatnot.
I will be taking on the task of editing a proper trailer for the game.....so no doubt will be wanting to throw the mac out of the window at some point soon ;o)
Am loving all the positive comments we have had both here, and on TA so far though.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
We have been polishing this one to within an inch of it's (and our) life for the past 7 or 8 days.
now....must......sleep....................for a week ;o)
It goes on enough to feel endless
We have that mode.. which is basically a hi-score attack
We then have a number of what we are calling "Challenges".
These range from pretty easy stuff, like stacking 5...to more extreme stuff like stack 15, on a moving crate.
Also got some time modes in there, and modes where the crane that holds the guys up does stuff...like moving really fast, or speeding up over time and the like.
Really pleased with how it's come out.
I like Jaffa, he's so cute, it's cool how you added so much personality with the blocks and giving them names. Very clever indeed.
Obviously I got the idea from Darren's template.. but the only thing we are using from that, is how the camera controls work (and I nicked a couple of the sound fx).
We already had a version of the game up and running before I saw the template.
As for endless (being honest)...it's a bit of a cheat. We have it working really similar to how Darren's template works.
We just made sure there are slightly more boxes available than is physically possible to have stacked without them falling (unless you had them pixel perfect...which with the crane moving left/right, and the boxes swinging, is pretty much impossible....so you get the impression it is endless.
On saying that, the way I have the boxes set up, it "should" be possible (if we were not doing the swinging thing) using a box spawner and some change atts in the prototype to rename dependent on an attribute called "which block"...which is basically just a counter.
looking forward to seeing that
I took darrens template and added recycled actors to make it endless..... Took some work because of the use of instances, but works great.....i have promo codes if people want to try and see what can be done..... [email protected]
good luck with sales
just made a very quick gameplay montage vid
editing to sound is very fiddly in iMovie (just fyi)
Great work I hope this does well for you.
Brilliant looking game, I hope you do well, but leave a little gap in the market for mine to fit.
There is room for us all in the crazy world of the app store.
As for the game:
It's been a bit of a labour of love for us with this one.
Once the game was "finished", we then spent 2 solid weeks of 12-16 hour days and nights polishing the arse off of it.
I hope that comes across when people see and play the game
We are currently getting the PR machine rolling today. Press release being written and whatnot.
I will be taking on the task of editing a proper trailer for the game.....so no doubt will be wanting to throw the mac out of the window at some point soon ;o)
Am loving all the positive comments we have had both here, and on TA so far though.