HELP:invalid signature/can i upload for apple authorization now??
So... apple didnt clear my contract yet. it still says "tax pending" - even though i havent filled in any info in the "tax" fields, because i can only choose usa or canada.. and i dont live in any of those contries:)
-my question is:
can i upload my app to apple, for them to give me a "yes" or "no" on the app, while im waiting for the tax things to clear?
i tried to do it, but when i upload the app, i get this:
the signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an apple submission certificate.
-my question is:
can i upload my app to apple, for them to give me a "yes" or "no" on the app, while im waiting for the tax things to clear?
i tried to do it, but when i upload the app, i get this:
the signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an apple submission certificate.
is that normal?
what can i do?
thanks alot