Dangerous Dave v1.1 released!

Hi all, our update is now available! We have worked real hard to address everything people have been suggesting/demanding in their reviews, and really think it is a better game for the effort we have put in!
Thanks again to the mighty QS and the ever helpful John Papiomitis for all the help. Without you guys we would still be struggling!!
Any more reviews would be massively appreciated
Link to game on the store here
and a quick vid

Thanks everyone
Marc n Soph
Thanks again to the mighty QS and the ever helpful John Papiomitis for all the help. Without you guys we would still be struggling!!
Any more reviews would be massively appreciated
Link to game on the store here
and a quick vid

Thanks everyone
Marc n Soph
Nice work!
i might actually buy it
... * Stands up * .. awkwardly addresses the room ..
"My name is Marc, and I'm a gamesalad o'holic.."
Im wiped out, having a couple of days off from gs and everything.
Im a graphic designer by day, and a gamesalad addict by night.
I need new eyes.
I think the apple logo is actually screen burned into my retinas.
You know how it is when you're soooooo close to finalising everything?
.. and you just need to try and polish it a bit more.. and a bit more?
Thanks for comments guys really appreciate it.
Marc n Soph
i love it!