Rodent Rage - Main N&N Page
So Rodent Rage was live on the Mac App Store a few days ago and I just noticed that it's now on N&N on the main page of the Mac App store and on the Games main page in the US and Canada, not sure where else. Pretty cool though, I'm thinking this will yield better results than the iphone or ipad version.
Great work.
But thanks, yeah I do feel it hasn't been successful enough to put the time into making more levels IMO.
So a big congrats! ...and good luck with sales.
You'll have to keep us updated on how you find the Mac Store compared to the Appstore...
iOS versions combined were lackluster ~$600 combined since I released the iPad version first in Oct, iphone version was released 2 weeks ago. It was my first game made though, my second is nearly done so I've learned a lot.
Yep! Will keep you all posted.
8 Bit Grenade - Game Development Studio & Revolution Igniter
8BG - cheers, how's yours comin?
8 Bit Grenade - iPhone Game Development Studio & Revolution Igniter
and no problem! good luck with sales.
You must be getting a LOT of sales
You are curently the 102# best paid app but I bet you're going to be in the top 100 pretty soon
@touchcream: Yeah it seems to be like that in most major countries and a bunch of smaller ones
@Cardinal @kirk: It must've spiked back down as I was 47 top paid last night, now I'm 50. I will share first week sales data from being on N&N this Thursday. I will say though I'm pleasantly surprised so far! It's not as big as the App Store obviously but still nice. The MAS launched with ~1,000 apps so there must be double that now.
52 in top paid.
Yah it's gone down a bit, was 47. Still at the current rank it's doing great $ales wise.
Bought it. Great game. Great original idea.