Job. PAID. Easy to work with.

joshmiller602joshmiller602 Member Posts: 206
I am making a game that has an Avatar Creator built in.Here is very clearly what I am looking for:

** American Anime style (think Danny Phantom)
** Avatars will be all guys, but will be lots of options (see below)

Will need the following:

- (5) Face Shapes
- (5) Shirtless Body Types
- (10) Eye Shapes
- (10) Eyebrow Shapes
- (10) Nose Shapes
- (10) Mouth Shapes/Styles
- (10) Ear Styles/Shapes
- (10) Hair Styles
- (10) Facial Hair options
- (10) Facial Features (Moles, Wrinkles, etc)
- (10) Facial Accesories (Piercings, Glasses, etc.)
- (10) Shirts
- (10) Pants/Shorts
- (10) Shoes
- (10) Clothing Accessories (Belts, Gloves, Suspenders, etc.)

I would prefer to hire someone from here than from an elance type site. Please email me a PRICE RANGE for he above work at joshmiller602 at along with an estimated time frame for completion.

Thanks! :)

- Joshua


  • diabeticbumbleBdiabeticbumbleB Member Posts: 49
    Hey, Im a skilled visual artist available for any creations, be it designing characters from scratch or picking apart and bringing your imaginations to life. Im a perfectinist and passionate about my work so every image i create for you will be guaranteed at the highest quality. I can pretty much create anything you ask for, from realistic digital paintings to simple cartoons, animals, people, monsters. I love creating background and large pieces. I have advanced skills in photoshop, illustrator etc and will happily take on any project needed. Heres a link to my porfolio website, and I have a host of other stuff available to send if you need examples.

    Contact me on [email protected] with your budget and what you require and I will get back to you as soon as I can .

    Look forward to hearing from you :-D
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