I need some help from GS community with reviews
iPick Pockets has been slowly climbing the charts under the utility section. It has been out for the past 3 days and the numbers are as follows
Utility Ranks
1st day: 778
2nd day: 765
3rd day: 566
As you can see it was going pretty slowly but had a sudden jump. I still only have 1 review on the game (which is mine -.-) If anyone could please leave me a review it would be much appreciated.
you can download it here :
Or if you would like a promo codes please just let me know and I can send one your way.
Thanks guys
Utility Ranks
1st day: 778
2nd day: 765
3rd day: 566
As you can see it was going pretty slowly but had a sudden jump. I still only have 1 review on the game (which is mine -.-) If anyone could please leave me a review it would be much appreciated.
you can download it here :
Or if you would like a promo codes please just let me know and I can send one your way.
Thanks guys

"I got this on a whim, as the concept sounded interesting. Using the movement sensor on the device to train your sleight of hand. An interesting idea for sure, but how does that translate in to use?
I decided to run a few tests. Starting on easy, with an open-ish coat pocket, I very slowly dipped a few fingers in to the darkness and tried to get a light grip on the sides of the device. I'm not exactly sure how the motion sensor works, so I decided to try and avoid any rotation, while lifting at a steady, slow pace. I was making good progress, and I could feel my heartbeat quicken. Just as the top of he device came in to view at the top of the pocket, I watched in horror as the pocket flap, slipped over the screen in a wiping motion. My instinct was to draw the device away from the oncoming enemy, which I did, resulting in the alarm sounding and me heading back to the drawing board.
I eventually mastered the easy mode, and went on to the hard difficulty setting. I practised by cheating a bit, and leaving the device on a shelf, then seeing which kind of movements I could get away with. I won't give too much away, but while the practice helped, i've still only managed to do two succesful picks on the hard difficulty, out of about twenty tries. There is another level of difficulty, but I feel I have a long way to go before I dare to attempt it.
The presentation is very minimal, although clarity and ease of use are mainly what's required here. It ticks those two boxes, but still feels like there could be a bit more there.
An area that could do with improvements is statistics. Timers, high scores and achievements are exactly the sort of thing that gives this type of unusual concept some kind of well needed structure replayability and draw for players to keep them interested.
Hopefully these won't be too difficult to add in future, and the app will evolve in to not just a good idea, but more of a whole game, and possibly a genre of game in it's own right eventually.
One thing that struck me when I played it was the feeling of playing one of those buzzer devices which consisted of a wire coat-hanger which was attatched to an alarm and twisted in to shape, and the player trying to navigate a loop of metal across the wire without touching it.
The motion-game type needs some innovation, so it's great to see new ideas like this on the rise. It will be interesting to see how this game, and genre in general progress in the coming months and years.
I'm quite keen to improve my ability to have a steady, slow hand, so i'm going to keep this, practice, and hopefully if there are ever leaderboards, i'll pwn you all."